Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles S-CP.B.9Use permutations and combinations to compute probabilities of compound events and solve problems.
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles Fundamental Counting Principle Permutation N factorial (n!) Combination
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles Paper for notes Pearson 11.1 Graphing Calc.
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles Notes 11.1 Calculator
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles TOPIC: 11.1 Permutations and Combinations Name: Daisy Basset Date : Period: Subject: Notes Objective: Use permutations and combinations to compute probabilities of compound events and solve problems.
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles Vocabulary n Factorial (n!)
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles Key Concepts Fundamental Counting Principle Number of Permutations Number of Combinations
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles 1. The photos show Maryland license plates in 2004 and How many more 2004-style license plates were possible than style plates?
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles The 2004 plates, have places for 3 letters and 3 digits. # of possible 2004 plates ___ ___ ___ = 17,576,000
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles The 1912 plates, have places for 4 digits. # of possible 1912 plates ___ ___ ___ ___ 10 = 10,000 10
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles There were __________ more 2004-style license plates possible than 1912-style plates. 17,566,000
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles 2. In how many ways can you file 12 folders, one after another, in a drawer? There are __ ways to select the first folder, __ ways to select the next folder, and so on Order matters, so this is a permutation.
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles The total # of permutations is = 12! = 479,001,600 Type 12. Press MATH. Arrow over to PRB. Press 4.
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles 3. Ten students are in a race. First, second, and third places will win medals. In how many ways can 10 runners finish first, second, and third (no ties allowed)?
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles Method 1 Use the Fundamental Counting Principle ___ __ __ 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 1098 = 720
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles Method 2 Use the Permutation Formula There are _____ runners to arrange, taking _____ at a time. n= 10 r = 3 (Order matters)
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles = 720
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles 4. What is 13 C 4, the number of combinations of 13 items taken 4 at a time?
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles = 715 5
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles SummarySummarize/reflect D What did I do? L What did I learn? I What did I find most interesting? Q What questions do I still have? What do I need clarified?
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles Hmwk 11.1 A: Practice: 24 – 28, Work on the Study Plan
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles Notes 11.1 Calculator
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles 5. Determine whether you should use a permutation or combination?
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles A. A chemistry teacher divides his class into 8 groups. Each group submits one drawing of the molecular structure of water.
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles He will select four of the drawings to display. In how many different ways can he select the drawings?
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles If order is important, use If order is not important, use
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles 2
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles There are 70 ways to select the drawings.
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles B. You will draw winners from a total of 25 tickets in a raffle. The first ticket wins $100. The second ticket wins $50. The third ticket wins $10.
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles In how many different ways can you draw the three winning tickets?
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles If order is important, use If order is not important, use
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles There are 13,800 ways you can draw the winning tickets.
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles SummaryIn your own words: 1. What does n! mean? Give an example. 2. How do you know which formula to use?
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles Hmwk 11.1 B: Math XL Start Notes 11.2 Work on the Study Plan
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles TOPIC: 11.2 Probability Name: Daisy Basset Date : Period: Subject: Notes Objective: Describe events as subsets of a sample space (the set of outcomes) using characteristics (or categories) of the outcomes, or as unions, intersections, or complements of other events (“or”, “and”, “not”).
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles Vocabulary Experimental probability Equally likely outcomes Theoretical probability Key Concept Experimental probability Theoretical probability
Holt Geometry 3-1 Lines and Angles