suffering n. pain of body or mind suffer v. 遭受,经历(不幸,痛苦);忍受,经得起 suffer pain/defeat/great losses The company suffered __________________. a great loss He died without much suffering. suffer from 遭受, 忍受 (+illness or sth. ) suffer from cold and hunger 饥寒交迫 / headache/lack of rest He suffers from severe mental disease. sufferings 不幸的感觉,苦恼,折磨 The sufferings of starving refugees [refju’d ʒ i:]. 饥饿难民的苦恼 sufferer n. 受害者,受难者
head to head arm in arm, shoulder by shoulder, hand in hand, face to face, heart to heart
To what lengths can or should we go to make ourselves more beautiful? 我们应该尽多大的努力来使自己变得更漂亮 ? go to (some, any, great) lengths to do sth. 想一切办法, 尽很大努力, 不遗余力做 …… make efforts to do They went to any lengths to keep the secret. He was willing to go to great lengths to avoid admitting his error. go to the length to 到 ….. 的地步 I’ll not go to the length to do such a foolish thing. length n. lengthen v. The bridge is twice the length of the other. The cloth is 2 meters in length.
former : her former husband----ex-husband ['eksh' ʌ zbənd ] The former president/principal/ world champion In the former times, people were hanged for stealing in England. the former → the latter If I had to choose between fish and chicken, I’d prefer the former.
start with, begin with 从 ….. 开始 The concert started with the National Anthem. To begin with 起初, 首先, we had very little support, but later on people came to understand us. end up with
Well, first, thanks for the compliment, Mary. 重点解析: 1) thank (sb) for sth. 因某事而感谢某人。 如: We really thank all the people so much for helping those stranded on the snowy and icy roads. 我们真的感谢所有的人,因为你们帮助了那 些被困在冰雪路上的人们。
相关词组: be thankful to sb for sth be grateful to sb for sth 2) compliment n. & v. 称赞;赞美 compliments n. 问候 常用词组: pay / make sb. a ~ on sth. compliment sb on sth 就某事夸奖或称赞某人。
compliment n. & v. pay / make sb. a ~ on sth. She paid me a ~ on my paintings. complimentary adj. 赞赏的 ; 恭维的 ; 表示敬意的 ; 问候的 a ~ remark
She paid me a very charming _________________ my painting. The guests __________________ her ____ her cooking. compliment on complimented on
keep yourself fit / healthy His qualification fits him for this demanding job. His behavior doesn’t fit his new position. The coat fits me well. The food here is not ~ to eat. The man is not ~ for the position. fit adj. v. ( 使 ) 符合 ; 适合 ; 与 … 相符
fit 指大小、形状的合适,引申为吻合、协调。 suit 指合乎需要、口味、条件、地位,以及花色、 款式等与某人的皮肤、气质、身材或身份相称。 * 当表示 “ 使 …… 适合 ” 的意思时, fit 常与 for 连用; suit 常与 to 连用。 The sheets are made in several sizes to ____ different sizes of bed. Her experience and abilities ____ her for the job. That colour doesn’t _____ your complexion. fit suit fit
You should watch what you eat and keep yourself fit. You should pay attention to what you eat and keep yourself healthy and strong. Watch the car when you cross the street.
I think it’s up to everyone to decide what is right for them, but I do feel that people should be happy with themselves, regardless of how they look. It’s up to sb. to do sth. =It’s one’s duty to do sth. 由 …… 决定, 是 …. 的职责 / 责任来做某事 A: Where shall we go this weekend? B: It’s up to you. 由你来决定.
It’s up to sb. to do sth.=It’s one’s duty to do sth. It’s up to us to help those in need. Success or failure? It’s up to you. It’s up to you to decide to have an India or Chinese meal. Whether you want to learn or not is entirely up to you.
regardless of Regardless of his father’s objections, he went to play football. 她不顾个人安危,毅然跃入河中。 Regardless of her own security, she jumped into the river without hesitation.
I do feel that people should be happy with themselves, regardless of how they look. He does feel tired. She did write to say thank you. Do shut up. Do be careful.
emphasis n. 重点;强调 too much emphasis on sth 过于强调或重视某事 put / lay / place ~ on sth. = emphasize sth. 强调或重视某事 The emphasis here is _______________ hard work, not enjoyment. Some schools ____ special _____________ the importance of language study. put / laid on put emphasis on 我们的英语课程非常重视会话技能。 Our English course places great emphasis on conversational skills.
He emphasized that careful driving was important. He emphasized the importance of careful driving. He put too much emphasis on the importance of careful driving.
Seldom do people think about the real dangers of this obsession with looks, both from eating disorders and from having cosmetic surgery. =People seldom think about …… 很少有人会考虑到过分沉迷于长相所引起的 真正危险, Rarely does he make any mistakes in his service these years. Never have I seen you before.
obsession n. 痴迷, 着魔 have an ~ with… obsess v. 迷住, 使着迷 ; 缠住 ; 使窘困, 使烦 扰 sth. ~ sb. →sb. be ~ed by/with sth. The hostages were obsessed by the fear of death. 人质被死亡的恐惧所缠扰。 He is obsessed with the games of Virtual Reality.
happen ~ to do 碰巧做某事 → It happens/ happened that… He happened to be out when I called him. It happened that he was out… sth. ~ to sb. A car accident happened to him. Fortunately, he was injured slightly.
brief adj. a brief description / report / conversation in brief/in detail/in history/in reality/in conclusion/in general
historic / historical historic 具有历史意义的 historical 历史的,与历史有关的 a ____________ novel / play / perspective / temple a ____________film / painting _____________studies a ________event / moment / spot historical historic historical historian n. 历史学家
perspective (on sth.) ( 观察问题的 ) 视角 ; 观点 ; 想法;远景 give a … perspective on sth. 用历史的观点看待这些事件 See the events in a historical ~ From the top of the Pearl TV Tower, you can get a perspective of Shanghai. 从东方明珠塔顶,可以看到整个上海的景 色。 You could give us a brief historical perspective
remove v. — removal n. ~ furniture/rubbish ~ one’s shoes ~ doubt / fear / suspicion He is a student ~ed from a university.
I am too busy to repair my broken computer, so I will have it __________.(repair) The teacher had the students ________ after the tape when listening to the text. (repeat) repaired repeat
stretch v. to make sth. longer, wider or looser, often by pulling it If you ~ a piece of elastic, it becomes much longer. stretch oneself 伸懒腰
v. endure toothache/ that rude person I can’t ~ to see/ seeing children suffer. → endurance n. 耐力, 持久力 →endurable: adj. 可忍耐的 I found the boredom scarcely endurable. →enduring: adj. 持久的 lasting/ever-lasting 永久的记忆 / 和平 enduring memories/peace endure such considerable pain and suffering
considerable: 相当多(大、重要)的, 相当 ( 长, 重 …) 的 ~ quantity / sum / distance / number / expense considerate: 体贴的,考虑周到的, 慎重的 a ~ person / act / attitude
They are free to come. free to do sth. 随心所欲(做某事) free adj. free of charge; Admission is free. You are free to come. I’m quite ~ Thursday afternoon. v. 释放 ; 解放 The enemy ~d twelve of the prisoners. The enemy set twelve of the prisoners free.
as if / though 好像 as if / though+ 主语 +were/did +had+v-ed 分词 He treats me as if I were a stranger. Doctor Li worked hard as if had never felt tired.
there’s no point / not any point (in) doing sth. 做某事没有意义 埋怨也没什么用. There’s not much point in complaining. What’s the point of doing sth.? 做 …. 有什么意义呢? 覆水难收 There is no point in crying over spilt milk. 不加理解的背诵语法规则根本没有意义。 There’s little (no) point in reciting grammatical rules without understanding them. I don’t see any real point in discussing all these quaint old customs.
不要以貌取人。 Never ~ a book by its cover. 从他脸上的表情看,他不知道真相。 Judging from / by the look on his face, he doesn’t know the truth. n. judgement judge v./n.
set out 陈述或宣布 ~ his objections to sth. / the reasons for sth. / some issues 出发, 动身 开始做某事 set out to do (set about doing) cf. set off / set up
issue n. 争端,问题,重要的议题 e.g. a burning 紧急的 / political ~ debate/ raise/avoid/confuse the ~ President Bush and Premier Minister Wen focused on Taiwan issue while having the official contact.