1/11 What if Asian Carp Establish in the Great Lakes? Hongyan Zhang Ecosystem Dynamics Place Photo Here
2/11 EcoDyn | Demo: Ecological Modeling of Asian Carp Background on Asian Carp Chick and Pegg (2001). Science.
3/11 EcoDyn | Demo: Ecological Modeling of Asian Carp Become abundant Big Feed on plankton Threat the fisheries Near the Great Lakes Risk assessment Chick & Pegg 2001, Science AsianCarp.net Background on Asian Carp
4/11 EcoDyn | Demo: Ecological Modeling of Asian Carp Chick & Pegg 2001, Science
5/11 EcoDyn | Demo: Ecological Modeling of Asian Carp Chick & Pegg 2001, Science Background on Asian Carp The big question is: What if Asian Carp establish in the Great Lakes?
2/2 EcoDyn | Demo: Ecological Modeling of Asian Carp Answer …
7/11 EcoDyn | Demo: Ecological Modeling of Asian Carp Published findings: modeled Lake Erie food web impacts Asian carp can make up to 1/3 of the total fish biomass Negative impact on most fish and zooplankton Zhang et al. (2016). Trans. American Fisheries Society. Fish biomass Asian carp
8/11 EcoDyn | Demo: Ecological Modeling of Asian Carp Our approach: Food web modeling - Ecopath with Ecosim nutrient s Fisheries Asian carp Structured Expert Judgment (SEJ)
9/11 EcoDyn | Demo: Ecological Modeling of Asian Carp Important interactions with managers and scientists Management transition board Structured Expert Judgment (SEJ) External review Stakeholders - USACE
10/11 EcoDyn | Demo: Ecological Modeling of Asian Carp Future work Ecosystem models EwE, IBM and Atlantis OSAT IPEMF EcoDyn Economics Social Studies Stressors Management
11/11 EcoDyn | Demo: Ecological Modeling of Asian Carp Questions?