5925 Village Center Dr Lithia, Fl Amy Rappleyea Principal Kisha Douglas Assistant Principal Tim Mattison Assistant Principal
Barrington Middle School Our Vision Barrington Middle School will create a collegiate atmosphere and prepare all students to reach their highest potential. Our Mission Barrington Middle School will create a climate of responsibility and exploration as it enables adolescents to demonstrate academic and social growth.
Sixth Grade Schedule Homeroom 7:00 Language Arts50:00 Reading 50:00 Math50:00 Science50:00 Social Studies50:0050:00 Wheel/Career Res50:00 P.E.50:00 Lunch/Team Time50:00 Barrington Middle School
Elective Wheel Semester 1 Agriculture Art Orchestra Band Chorus Technology Business Technology Culinary
Opening of School, Intro to Course, Career Exploration, and Community Building Sessions 5-7 Days Rotatio n 1 Art 9 Days Rotatio n 2 Orchest ra 9 Days Rotatio n 3 Chorus 9 Days Rotatio n 4 Agribusi ness 9 Days Rotatio n 5 Technol ogy 9 Days Rotatio n 6 Band 9 Days Life Skills Training (Same Group as Last Rotation) Days (including LST post- survey) Exam Administrat ion 6 Days Community Building Sessions (CBS) & Elective Specific CRDM Lessons Embedded In These Rotations Career Research and Decision Making (# ) Sample Structure for School with 6 Rotations (Varies by Site) Based on 85 Day Semester
6 th Grade Elective in 1 st Semester ( ) Career Research and Decision Making (CRDM) Course # Course Structure Changes Combine School Opening & Introduction to Community Building Sessions (5-7 Days) Move LifeSkills Training to late 1 st Semester (16-18 Days) Content Area Rotations Occurs Over 56 Days (Approximately) Final 6 Days May Have Adjusted Schedule for School-Wide Exam Administration Curriculum Changes Create a General CRDM Lesson for Beginning and Ending of Semester Modified from existing CRDM Curriculum Materials (Workbook) Content Area Rotations Include Content Specific CRDM Lessons Course will not have an Exam LifeSkills Training Pre/Post Measures will be used as an assessment All teachers asked to attend the SEL Booster Training in Summer 2016 for additonal updates
Barrington Middle School Curriculum and Scheduling Information Academic Levels for 6 th grade students are determined by FSA scores. Students without previous test scores will automatically be placed in advanced classes. Call AP requesting a change. Regular(4) - Course title will read course name. Advanced(5) – Course title will read Advanced. Honors(0) – Course title will read Advanced Honors. Gifted(G) is the same academic level as Honors. (Identified in Math and Science in 6 th grade and Math in 7 th grade. Course title will read Gifted.)
Promotion Policy Sixth grade students must pass language arts, mathematics, science and social studies to be promoted to seventh grade. Grading Scale A = B = C = D = Barrington Middle School
Physical Education Students in the sixth grade will take P.E. Sports Program 1st nine weeks Boys and Girls Basketball 2nd nine weeks Boys and Girls Track 3rd nine weeks Boys and Girls Soccer 4th nine weeks Boys Flag Football and Girls Volleyball
Elementary school homework is done for completion and marked as a behavior. Middle school homework is done for part of the academic grade. Middle school teachers (in general) do not accept late work. Edsby is used to communicate with parents. We do not use hallway locker. Four minute passing time No uniforms. Dress code enforced. Nature’s Classroom
Barrington Middle School NJHS
Special Features Our mascot is the BOLT School colors are green, white and grey. Barrington Middle School School Hours School begins at 9:00AM Classes are 50 minutes in length School ends at 4:15PM A before and after a school program is available for students for a weekly fee Before school care begins at 7:00AM After school ends at 6:00PM
Barrington will continue to build a strong Parent, Teacher, Student Association. We believe in having a hands joined approach with the community, parents, faculty, and students to make our school a success. We encourage all of our parents and students to be members of the Barrington family. Barrington Middle School
We are happy to have you at Barrington Middle School! See you at our Open House August 8th! Barrington Middle School Postcards will be mailed out with the exact time.