W HAT IS A P RESENTATION ? Presentation An informative speech that usually includes visuals (slides) PowerPoint presentation Consists of slides that are organized and formatted using Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
P LANNING A P RESENTATION A successful presentation is carefully planned so that it clearly conveys a message. 3 step planning process 1. Carefully plan the lecture or speech 2. Determine the content of the slides 3. Determine the design and layout of the slides, and then sketch the slides using pencil and paper
P LANNING A P RESENTATION Carefully plan the lecture or speech What is the purpose of the presentation? Determine information to be communicated and what the effect should be on the audience Persuasion Presenting ideas Expository Who is the audience? Identify characteristics of the audience Determine appropriate language and speech styles Young children require different vocabulary than adults
P LANNING A P RESENTATION Determine the content of the slides Content Refers to the text, graphics, and other objects on the slides Text is created by dividing the lecture or speech into a title slide, an introduction slide, slides for each main point or topic, and a summary slide that includes contact information or any action the audience needs to take Graphics and other objects are added to the slides to enhance the lecture or speech.
P LANNING A P RESENTATION Determine the design and layout of the slides, and then sketch the slides using pencil and paper Design Consists of fonts, color, and accent graphics, and should be appropriate for the purpose and the audience. Best to limit a design to three or less fonts Avoid using all uppercase letters because they are more difficult to read Contrast The difference between the lightness and darkness of two colors Text and background colors should be in contrasting colors Text should preferably be in a light color on a dark background or vice versa. What should slides look like? Layout The arrangement of text and graphics Sketch the layout of each slide
A DDING AND D ELETING S LIDES A new presentation consists of one slide To add a new slide with same layout Home ⇒ New Slide Which displays a gallery of layouts to choose from New slides are added after the current slide Current Slide The slide displayed in the Slide pane, which is indicated in the Slides tab with an orange fill around it Delete Slide Right-click slide in Slides pane Select Delete Slide Duplicate Slide Home ⇒ New Slide ⇒ Duplicate Selected Slides
E DITING A S LIDE Placeholders An area on slides for holding text and other content such as graphics. Appears as a box with a dashed-line border The border is no longer visible after text has been added AutoFit Automatically sizes text as it is typed so that it fits within a placeholder To change the slide layout Home ⇒ Layout
P OWER P OINT V IEWS Normal View Displays the current slide in the Slide pane Best for editing text and graphics on a slide Slide Sorter View Useful for selecting multiple slides and changing the order of slides Drag a slide to another position to change the order in the presentation View Tab Use to change how the presentation is displayed
V IEWING A P RESENTATION Slide Show View Displays the presentation as it will appear to the audience Next slide Left mouse click N key Page Down key Spacebar Previous slide P key Page Up key Backspace key End slide show Esc key
P RACTICE : G EMSTONE Complete Gemstone – Part 1 of 2
T HEMES Theme Named set of formats that change the colors, fonts, background, and layouts of placeholders Used to maintain a consistent look throughout a presentation and in multiple documents Design ⇒ Themes ⇒ Select a theme from the gallery To change formatting used in a theme Design ⇒ Colors/Fonts/Effects
P RINTING A P RESENTATION Previewing a Presentation Shows what printouts will look like File ⇒ Print
P RACTICE : G EMSTONE Complete Gemstone – Part 2 of 2
T HE SLIDE MASTER Slide Master Template that applies to all slides in the presentation View ⇒ Slide Master to display presentation in Slide Master View Slide Master ⇒ Close Master View to return to Normal View
F ORMATTING THE B ACKGROUND Background color of all the slides can be adjusted Display presentation in Slide Master View Select the slide master in the left pane Click Slide Master ⇒ Background Styles To create a new background Click Format Background
A DDING G RAPHICS TO A S LIDE Graphics can be used to make a presentation more interesting and capture the attention of the audience. Graphics in digital format Scanned images Digital cameras Illustration software Click Insert ⇒ Picture/Clip Art (to insert into presentation) Format ⇒ Remove Background (to remove white background from graphics) Insert ⇒ SmartArt (insert diagrams) Picture Styles are located on the Picture Tools Format tab
P RACTICE : B ETTER B URGER Complete Better Burger – Part 1 of 2
A DDING A C HART TO A S LIDE Charts are used to illustrate numerical data Helps audience visualize patterns, relationships or trends in data In Excel, select chart to be copied Home ⇒ Copy In PowerPoint, display the slide in the Slide pane in Normal View Home ⇒ Paste Options on the Design, Layout, and Format tabs can be used to modify the look of the chart
C REATING AND P RINTING S PEAKER N OTES Notes page View Used to add and format notes Add graphics to notes Format the layout of the Notes page Click View ⇒ Notes Page
P RACTICE : B ETTER B URGER Complete Better Burger – Part 2 of 2
E MAILING A P RESENTATION is a fast and efficient message delivery system in which PPT presentations can be attached to a message. File → Save and Send → Send Using Select PowerPoint, PDF, or XPS format Type address of recipient in the To box File name of the presentation automatically appears in the Subject line. Type text in the message box if additional information should appear in the . Click Send once finished
R EVIEWING A P RESENTATION Several individuals or departments may collaborate on a presentation from one person to another Each person can make edits and add comments to locations in the presentation Comments help explain edits Review → New Comment
P RACTICE : B UTTERFLIES Complete Butterflies