Revolutions in Europe Chapter 20
Section 1 An Age of Ideologies
A “Revolutionary Seed” Prince Clemens von Metternich warned that a seed had been planted in Europe that threatened Europe’s monarchs and undermined its basic social values. This seed was nourished with the ideas spread by the French Revolution and Napoleon Bonaparte. “Passions are let loose . . . to overthrow everything that society respects as the basis of its existence: religion, public morality, laws, customs, rights, and duties, all are attacked, confounded [defeated], overthrown, or called in question.”
Conservatives Prefer the Old Order The Clash of people with opposing ideologies, or systems of thought and belief, plunged Europe into more than 30 years of turmoil. Conservatives put together an agreement called the Concert of Europe, in which they pledged to support the old political and social order. They vowed to suppress revolutionary ideas and to aid each other in fighting rebellions.
Liberals and Nationalists Seek Change wanted governments to be based on constitutions and the separation of powers. believed male property owners should constitute the voting public. wanted an open market economy. Nationalists sought to create various independent states for people who shared a common heritage. Wanted Unity, Independence, and Identity.
Liberals vs Conservatives Issue Conservatives Male property owners Who Should Rule Monarch and nobles Protect basic rights to liberty and property Goals of Government Stability and order Republic with constitution and separation of powers Form of Government Monarchy Laissez faire Economy Controlled by nobles Freedom of religion Religion Established church
Liberals vs Conservatives Issue Conservatives Male property owners Who Should Rule Monarch and nobles Protect basic rights to liberty and property Goals of Government Stability and order Republic with constitution and separation of powers Form of Government Monarchy Laissez faire Economy Controlled by nobles Freedom of religion Religion Established church
European Revolts in the Early 1800s Serbia Karageorge leads war against Ottomans from 1804 – 1813 In 1815, Obrenovic turns to Russia for assistance. In 1830, Serbs win autonomy, or self-rule. Russia continues to defend Serbian interests.
European Revolts in the Early 1800s Greece Greeks revolts against the Ottomans in 1821. Romantic writers like Lord Byron support the Greeks. In 1820s, Britain, France, and Russia force Ottomans to grant independence to some Greek provinces. In 1830, Greece is forced to accept a German King.
European Revolts in the Early 1800s Other Revolts Rebels in Spain, Portugal, and some Italian states. France crushes revolt in Spain. Austria crushes revolt in Italy.
Section 2 Revolutions of 1830 and 1848
European Revolutions Against Conservatives Country Year Rebel Groups Liberalism, Nationalism, or Both Outcomes (What occurred?) France 1830 Belgium Students Workers Both Sparked by France Barricade put up in Prussia Became an independent state with a liberal constitution Poland students, Army officers Land owners Nationalism Fail to win independence Crushed by Russian forces Some fled to western Europe and America for freedom.
European Revolutions Against Conservatives Country Year Rebel Groups Liberalism, Nationalism, or Both Outcomes (What occurred?) France 1830 Liberals, Radicals, and citizens. Both July Revolution inspired further revolution. Controlled Paris Charles X abdicates throne – flees to England. Constitutional monarchy under Louis Philippe (Citizen King) Middle Class Prospered Belgium Students & Workers Belgium became an independent state with a liberal constitution in 1831. Poland Students, officers, and landowners. Nationalism Rebels crushed by Russia Survivors fled to Western Europe and the U.S.
European Revolutions Against Conservatives Country Year Rebel Groups Liberalism, Nationalism, or Both Outcomes (What occurred?) France 1848
European Revolutions Against Conservatives Country Year Rebel Groups Liberalism, Nationalism, or Both Outcomes (What occurred?) France 1848 Radicals, Utopian Socialists, Liberals, Workers, & Peasants. Liberalism “February Days” – a series of riots against the government. Louis Philippe abdicates the throne. Second Republic formed “June Days” Workers protest – attacked by bourgeoisie liberals and peasants fearing loss of land. Social Divisions New Constitution Suffrage for all adult men Strong President – Louis Napoleon (Napoleon III) Second Empire when Louis Napoleon becomes Emperor.
European Revolutions Against Conservatives Country Year Rebel Groups Liberalism, Nationalism, or Both Outcomes (What occurred?) Austrian Empire 1848 Students and workers, Journalists People of Budapest Both Metternich censors press but books are smuggled in Metternich resigns and flees in disguise. Kossuta demands an independent government for Hungarians as well as end to serfdom, consitutuion, and basic rights Temporary agreement to reforms, but then Austrian army takes control and rebels are smashed in Budapest. Italy Italian Nationalists People wanted a constitutional government Independent republics set up France and Austria prevented new governments from ruling expelled pope German States
European Revolutions Against Conservatives Country Year Rebel Groups Liberalism, Nationalism, or Both Outcomes (What occurred?) Austrian Empire 1848 Students, workers, & nationalists. Both Metternich resigns and flees in disguise. Nationalist protests in Prague and Vienna led to temporary reforms. Rebels smashed in Budapest. Italy Nationalists Nationalism Austrian troops ousted new governments in Northern Italy Pope restored to power German States Students Frederick William IV agrees to a new Constitution he dissolves within a year. Frederick William rejects an offer to become the united King of Germany from the assembly because it came “from the gutter” – the people.