Technology of Transformation James Dalziel Professor of Learning Technology, and Director, Macquarie E-Learning Centre Of Excellence (MELCOE) Macquarie University Cisco Education Revolution Forum, Sydney, 1 st August, 2008
Overview Opportunities for Transformation 3 Case Studies –Single Sign On and the Access Federation –Repositories for Learning Objects (eg, TLF) –LAMS and Joint Classes across schools Further Resources
Opportunities for Transformation Technology can provide both incremental improvements as well as transformation of education New solutions to current challenges: –Too many names and passwords; hard to access Learning Objects; e-learning is too content-centric 3 Case Studies –Using the Access Federation for Single Sign On to resources –Using a flexible & secure repository for Learning Objects Which uses the Access Federation for logins –Sequences of content and collaborative activities with LAMS Can also use Access Federation to launch joint classes across schools
Access Federation New approach to managing accounts across a distributed range of systems and resources Being rolled out in higher education – over 1 million identities already in the testbed federation with 16 universities Potential for rollout in the schools sector (possible DER area) Key concept: One user account (typically name and password) for access to many systems and resources –Even across different education systems or states!
Access Federation – Current Testbed Site – 1 million identities
Secure Repository Muradora is a flexible and secure repository for education content –Learning Objects (eg, The Learning Federation) –Student work (eg, e-portfolio) –Multimedia –etc Integrated with Access Federation, so no need for an extra account – uses your existing account For system administrators – powerful access control rules using XACML – allows for many types of access controls
Muradora Secure Repository – Deliver Learning Objects (eg, TLF)
LAMS LAMS is the world’s leading software for Learning Design –1000s of educators across 80+ countries –Translated into 25 languages Visual “drag and drop” approach to designing activities –Helps educators to visualise teaching and learning processes LAMS Sequences can be shared, re-used and adapted –LAMS Community ( –Approximately 3300 members, 86 countries, 290 shared sequences downloaded 7500 times, 3700 discussion postings Freely available as open source software –(Fee-based hosting and tech support from LAMS International)
LAMS LAMS can be used stand-alone, or integrated with Virtual Learning Environments (Single-Sign-On) –Learners: URL to LAMS sequence from course page –Educators: Author, select, launch and monitor sequences Current integrations include: –Sakai, Moodle, Blackboard (Blackboard & WebCT),.LRN –Microsoft SharePoint Also integrates with Access Federation, so teachers in different schools can easily create joint online classes
LAMS Authoring: Interactive Whiteboards – Role play
LAMS Authoring: Branching for role tasks
LAMS Learner View – Groups in Role Play
LAMS Community – View of various communities & forums
LAMS Community – Repository Summary
LAMS Joint Classes animation:
Upcoming - LAMS Activity Planner: Selecting a template
LAMS Activity Planner: Filling out the key content for a selected template
Further Information MAMS Testbed Federation & Access Federation Muradora Secure Repository Introduction to LAMS – walkthroughs, videos, case studies General demonstration accounts for LAMS General information about LAMS LAMS Community LAMS Joint Classes using Access Federation Animated “mock-ups” for Pedagogic Planner concept