Plate Tectonics WS Eric Angat
Earth’s tectonic plates are moving like a conveyor belt. The rollers represent the mantle convection.
Conveyor belt
divergent No plate boundar y convergent Transform or strike slip convergent Atlanti c Ocean Pacific plate
divergent No plate boundary convergent Transform or strike slip convergent Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean
The Cascadia subduction zone (also referred to as the Cascadia fault) is a convergent plate boundary that stretches from northern Vancouver Island to northern California. It is a very long sloping subduction zone fault that separates the Juan de Fuca and North America plates. The thinner oceanic plate is subducting beneath the thicker continental plate offshore of British Columbia, Washington and Or egon. Transform or strike slip
Alfred Wegener proposed the Continental drift theory. He stated that continents were moving but could he not explain what makes them move. No one believed him. Lauresia Gondwanaland Pangaea 1. Who is Alfred Wegener? /animated-life-pangaea.html
Lauresia Gondwanaland Pangaea JurassicCretaceous Present day 2. What happened to the supercontinent Pangaea? Seven continents Lauresia became North America, Europe, and Asia
3. How did Alfred Wegener use FOSSILS to explain the Continental Drift theory? Fossil A Fossil B ontinents_that_made_up_laurasia#slide=2 How did the animals cross lands if the lands were not connected?
4. How did Alfred Wegener use the CONTINENTS to explain the Continental Drift theory? The continents fit together like a puzzle. Climates in several regions were similar.
5. How did Alfred Wegener use ROCKS to explain the Continental Drift theory? The Appalachian mountains to the shores were used to be part of Africa. And the rocks matched! United States Africa Appalachian Mountain
6. What causes the continents to move? Continents move because of the convection current in the mantle. Earth’s core convection
These circular currents in the asthenosphere are called convection currents. Hot magma goes up and cooler magma goes down. 7. What is convection current?
8. What are the different types of plate boundaries? Rift valley in Africa Sea floor spreading in the Atlantic ocean Volcanic activities Trench, mountain ranges, volcanic activities, subduction zones San Andreas fault, no volcanic activity Horizontal Shear divergent convergent Transform
This image shows San Andreas Lake and Crystal Springs reservoir from the air, looking SouthEast from HERE. The highway paralleling the lakes to the left is Interstate 280, ``the most beautiful urban highway in the United States''. (And it is indeed very scenic.) from HERE. Transform or Shear boundary 9. What type of boundary formed the San Andreas fault?
10. Convergent - Oceanic-continental boundary forms_________________. trench volcanoes subduction
11. Convergent – Continental -continental boundary forms_________________. Mountain range subduction
12. Convergent - Oceanic-oceanic boundary forms_________________. subduction trench volcano Island arc
Splitting Africa Widening Atlantic Ocean 13. How is Earth affected by divergent boundaries?
Young Crust is nearer to the ridge. Old Crust is farther from the ridge.
Rift Valley is a divergent boundary 14. What kind of boundary is a rift valley?
East Africa's Great Rift Valley
Most EARTHQUAKES happen anywhere around the Pacific Ring of Fire! 15. Where do most earthquakes happen?
16.What type of landform is created when two continental plates collide? A.volcano B.folded mountain C.trench D.mid-ocean ridge
17. Which landform is not formed from a convergent boundary? A.volcano B.folded mountain C.trench D.mid-ocean ridge
18. The mid-ocean ridge in the Atlantic ocean is what type of plate boundary? A.convergent B.Divergent C.horizontal shear D.transform
19. When earthquakes happen, what is the location directly above the focus? A.Epicenter B.fault
Ridge push Rocks are melted and recycled into new rocks. convection Ridge push Rocks are melted and recycled into new rocks. Ridge
20. Lithospheric ridge push causes plates to undergo___. A.Subduction and recycled into new rocks. B.Division of plates.
21. What type of plate boundary causes the earthquakes in California? A.Transform boundary or shear stress B. divergent boundary or rift valley.
22. How are volcanoes and islands formed from a hotspot?
The volcanoes and Islands are formed by hotspots. While the hotspot itself is fixed, the plate is moving. So, as the plate moves over the hot spot, the string of islands and volcanoes form. Example: Hawaiian islands
Matching type: What type of plate boundary is responsible for the following landforms. convergent boundary divergent boundary Transform or Sliding boundary _______23. Island arc _______24. Volcanic mountain range _______25. Marianas trench _______26. Mountain range _______27. Mid ocean ridge _______28. San Andreas fault convergent divergent transform
The map on the left shows the present locations of South America and Africa. Remains of the Mesosaurus, an extinct freshwater reptile, have been found in similarly aged bedrock formed from the lake sediments at locations X and Y.
Mesosaurus lived in freshwater lakes and ponds. Elongated and slim, it measured about 1 metre (3.3 feet) long.
____29. Which statement represents the most logical conclusion to draw from this evidence? A.Mesosaurus migrated across the ocean from location X to location Y. B. Mesosaurus came into existence on several widely separated continents. C. The present climates at location X and Y are similar. D. The continents of South America and Africa were connected when the Mesosaurus lived.
Base your answer/s to the following question/s on the diagram on the left, which shows a cutaway view of Earth in which the interior layers are visible. The paths of the earthquake/seismic waves generated at point X are also shown. A, B, C, and D are locations of seismic stations on Earth’s surface, and Point E is located in Earth’s interior
____30. Both P and S waves were received at seismic stations A and B, but only P waves were received at seismic stations C and D. Which statement best explains why this occurred? A.S waves are much weaker than P waves. B.The liquid outer core prevents the S waves from travelling to seismic stations C and D. C. S waves travel faster that P waves. D. The solid outer core prevents the S waves from travelling to seismic stations C and D.
____31. Location X is the ________ A.focus C. epicenter B.seismic station D. seismic wave ____ 32. Directly ______ the focus is the epicenter. A. belowB. above ____ 33. Seismic waves ______ as they travel inside Earth. A. refracts (refraction) B. reflects ( reflection)
____ 34. Since P- waves were detected on seismic stations C and D, you can conclude that _____. A. P waves can only travel in liquids and not in solids. B P waves can only travel in solids and not in liquids. C. P waves can travel in solids and liquids. D. P waves are faster that S waves.