Midwest Northeast West Southwest Southeast
The Northeast Region States: Maine Vermont New Hampshire Massachusetts New York Connecticut Rhode Island Pennsylvania New Jersey and Delaware Landforms: Mountains Plains Bays Hills An Ocean Rivers and Lakes Natural Resources: Coal Fish Shellfish Granite Marble Oil Nature gas and Zink
The Southeast Region States: Arkansas Louisiana Coal Kentucky Tennessee Mississippi Alabama Georgia West Virginia Virginia Maryland North Carolina South Carolina Florida Natural Resources: Coal Limestone Oil Natural gas Zink Fish Landforms: Swamps Plains Mountains A Gulf A Plateau Rivers Bays
The Midwest Region Natural Resources: Coal Gold Granite States: Iron Lead Limestone Oil Natural Gas and Zink States: North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Minnesota Iowa Missouri Wisconsin Illinois Michigan Indiana Ohio Landforms: Hills ,lakes ,rivers ,plains ,mounds ,and woods .
The Southwest Region States: Natural Resources: Arizona Coal New Mexico Texas and Oklahoma Natural Resources: Coal Gold Iron Oil Natural Gas Copper Silver Potash and Uranium Landforms: Mountains Rivers Forest an Ocean and Plains
The West Region Landforms: States: Rivers Washington Lakes Oregon An Ocean Mountains Volcanoes and Geysers States: Washington Oregon Idaho California Nevada Utah Montana Wyoming Colorado Hawaii and Alaska Natural Resources: Coal ,copper ,fish ,shellfish ,gold , iron ,lead ,oil ,natural gas ,silver ,zinc ,and uranium.