Welcome to 5 th Grade Math! Mrs. Karich. Classroom Expectations 1. Students must be in proper uniform at all times. 2. Students will save their food/drinks.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to 5 th Grade Math! Mrs. Karich

Classroom Expectations 1. Students must be in proper uniform at all times. 2. Students will save their food/drinks for the lunchroom only 3. Students will follow all classroom rules: FOLLOW DIRECTIONS the FIRST time given. Keep hands, feet and other objects to yourself Be RESPECTFUL to teachers and students. Use your inside voice. Raise your hand before speaking during instruction. * Failure to follow rules will result in move down slips

Daily Routine Line up outside my door with ZERO noise and backs against the wall When you enter make sure you have SWAG S it in your assigned seat W rite down your homework A ccurately complete your Do Now G et out your Homework Make sure to have all your materials needed for class with you. If you have to go back to your classroom, you will lose class participation points. - Agenda - Math Binder - Workbook(s) - Calculator - Pencil Case

Do Now’s: Daily Review’s are handed out at the beginning of each week. - Students are to keep it in their binder throughout the week. Do Now’s must be attempted and completed each day at the beginning of class. If Do Now’s are not completed, it will result in a loss of class participation and effort points Each day we will go over our Do Now - students must make any corrections on their worksheet

Participation &Effort Participation and Effort is a big part of Math class. Students will be observed each day for the following categories to get CLASSWORK POINTS You receive a cumulative grade twice per trimester AND I will discuss your progress in these areas with parents during SLC conferences. CategoryDescriptionScore Participation 3- Consistent participation throughout the entire class 2- Some participation throughout class on most days 0/1- Rare participation throughout class on a daily basis Attitude/ Effort 3- Comes into class each day with a positive attitude, works hard and shows consistent effort and works up to their potential. 2- Comes into class on some days with a positive attitude, sometimes works hard and shows effort occasionally 0/1- Comes into class with a negative attitude on most days, does not work to potential, and shows little effort. Active Learning 3- Comes into class each day ready to learn! Always tracking the teacher, following directions, and shows appropriate learning posture. 2- Sometimes comes into class on some days ready to learn. Sometimes tracks teacher, follows directions, and shows appropriate learning posture. 0/1- Rarely come into class ready to learn. Rarely tracks the teacher, follow directions, and does not show appropriate learning posture. Cooperative Partnerships 3- Works very well in partners and in groups. Offer help and shares insightful ideas when working with others. 2- Sometimes works well with partners and in groups. Completes the assigned task with their partner, but do not always coach or help their partners. 0/1- Struggles to work well with partners or in groups. Does not always complete the assigned task, or follow directions. Prepared for Class3- Comes in with the proper learning materials for class every day. 2- Sometimes comes in with the proper learning materials for class. 0/1- Rarely comes in with the proper learning materials for class.

Water/Bathroom Do not ask to use the bathroom or drinking fountain during instruction time or at the beginning of class. You must sign out on the sheet by the door and in your agenda, complete with times and destinations. Restroom visits should not be more than 3-4 minutes. If you have permission to leave the room, be sure to take your signed agenda. Sign back in upon your return from the bathroom (with correct time). Classroom Procedures

On most days at the end of class you will receive a ticket out or a STICKET out A Sticket Out is ticket out that is completed on a post it notes and placed in the red, yellow or green zone by the door when you exit the room. I will dismiss students by table at the end of class. End of Class

BREAK! Ipod Game! Students take turns naming an music artist or band in ABC order. Lets see if we can get all of the way to Z!

Homework! Homework is given to help reinforce ideas learned in class. Must be turned in/checked at the beginning of class. 2 points a day will be awarded for completing Homework. 2- Completely Done 1 – Partial or Half Done 0- Less than half or not done * You may make up any missed homework the next day and half of the points will be awarded back.

Homework Continued Homework typically given will be from your…. WorkbookPA Core Coach Math Facts will also be a weekly assignment that is due every Friday Homework can also be Study Guides, Vocabulary, Worksheets etc… Homework is assigned EVERY NIGHT except Friday.

Math Facts Math Facts are the practice of Multiplication Facts (example: 5x9=?) for 20 minutes each week. Students are to practice these facts using a variety of methods or whatever works best for you! Some ideas are: - flash cards- multiplication math APP - parent quizzes - Multiplication Practice timed tests- multiplication computer games To prove that you have completed your 20 minutes of practice each week, you parents will sign a Math Facts Log that is due every Friday.

Homework and AIC Academic Intervention Club -Students are placed in AIC if they are receiving a 60% or BELOW in any class -Students will remain in AIC from Tuesday-Thursday and until their homework grade is ABOVE 60% (not until all work is completed). - During AIC, students must complete all missing assignments FIRST. If all assignments are completed, they must work on future assignments, math facts, or read independently. - Parents will be notified that you are in AIC. Students will be notified on Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning.

Binder Expectations Every student should have 5 sections with dividers to label each part of their binder. 1.Daily Review – these are your Do Now’s each day. They will be given at the beginning of each week. 2.Notes- this include Vocabulary and daily notes taken 3.Review – any practice worksheets, study guides, or review activities we do before a test 4. Tests- all tests and quizzes 5.Other- 5 th grade Math Overview, Standards checklist, MF log Binders should be organized by date in the sections. We will have 1-2 binder checks every Trimester worth 35 points. One Binder check will be planned and one will be a surprise!

Team Tables During math class, students will be able to earn TEAM POINTS for their table by showing the good behaviors that are on the participation and effort rubric. Points can be rewarded if your entire table is….. - prepared for class- first to be working on their DO NOW- entire table completes HW - participating- following directions - working together- at zero noise first At the end of the week, the team with the most points will get to spin the PRIZE WHEEL!

Grades CategoryWork that is Included Percentage of the total grade Practice and Reinforcement Nightly Homework Study Guides Vocabulary Math Facts 10% Classwork Participation/Effort Grade Binder Checks 30% Formal AssessmentsTests Quizzes 60%

Anchor Activities ANCHOR ACTIVITIES are worksheets designed to challenge your math skills! ANCHOR ACTIVITIES are to be completed any time a student is finished early with a class task. ANCHOR ACTIVITIES will be located in the red bin in the back of the room. If all assigned ANCHOR ACTIVITIES are completed and handed in by the time of the Chapter test, the student will receive a free HOMEWORK PASS!

Study Island We use Study Island at different times throughout the year. Typically, after a quiz the class will go onto Study Island to work on their “weak area” that was identified on the MAP test. If a students earns FOUR proficient quiz grades on Study Island (80% or above), they will receive a ½ homework pass! Students must complete the Pretest and Diagnostic test before beginning to work on skills. This can be done at any time and ASAP so that you can start earning HW passes. Study Island can also be completed at home in order to earn more HW passes! Just be sure to print out results or take a picture of the score screen to show me the next day

BYOD BYOD = “Bring Your Own Device” This means students will be able to bring their device to MATH class only I will typically tell you several days in advance about a BYOD day. If your device is not used appropriately, you will not be allowed to bring in your device for the reminder of the trimester or year. If it is not a BYOD day, all electronic devices should be stored in your bookbag and turned off. We use student devices for many things including: -QR Readers- Kahoot- Socrative- “Another Look”

Class Tour Calculators Supplies/Math Supplies Anchor Activities “Wow Work” “What I missed” bin Do Not Enter Zones


Let’s Have a Great Year!