Schaffer Writing Review EQ: How can using the Schaffer Method organize my writing and create thoughtful flowing ideas?
Brainstorm! What it is…. T-Chart Webs Notes What it looks like… Pros Cons Character/Archetype CD Reason for Why… Reason for Why… OR Reason against Why…
Introduction Paragraph Body of the Paper THIRD: Thesis SECOND: Introduce the Topic FIRST: Attention Grabber
Attention Grabber Story about the topic Quote Facts or Statistics
Introduce the Topic ReaderTopic
Thesis Subject + Three Topics (reasons) Topic (reason) One Topic (reason) Two Topic (reason) Three
Body Paragraph Topic Sentence Concrete Detail Commentary 1 “This shows that…” Commentary 2 “This is important because…”
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Shaping the Essay Each Topic/Reason makes up a paragraph Topic/Reason One Topic/Reason Two Topic/Reason Three Your topics come directly from your thesis statement. Each topic makes up a paragraph.
Commentary Reason One (TS) Part one of reason one (CD ) Commentary 1 “This shows that…” Commentary 2 “This is important because…” Part two of reason one (CD) Commentary 2 “This shows that…” Commentary 2 “This is important because…”
Conclusion Paragraph Reverse the funnel! It should be all COMMENTARY! Topic Because… Concluding Statement
Writing Situation: King Arthur is one of the most legendary kings of England. Legends are based on historical facts with a magical blend of fantasy and spirit. Directions: Select a character from the “Arthurian Legends” we have read, and connect an archetypal characteristic to that character. Think about: Why did you choose the character and how does the archetype reflect the character and/or situation?