Archetypes in Literature
What is an archetype? An original model on which something is patterned or based An image, story pattern, character type, representation, or recurring idea A universal standard or typical example
What is an archetype? This is one way to study literature because it provides a framework to approach any piece of fiction Views literature as a reflection of life Evokes strong associations to the reader or observer
C.G. Jung, Psychologist Jung’s work focused on man’s unconscious and subconscious thoughts, desires, and dreams Jung used the concept of archetype in his theory of the human psyche. He believed that universal, mythic patterns & characters—archetypes—reside within the collective unconscious (the memory of all humans) the world over.
Jung & Archetypes Jung traveled extensively and concluded that these patterns were so deeply imbedded in our psyches that they go back to prehistoric times They have not changed and are present in all people. Archetypes represent fundamental human experiences as we evolved; consequently, they evoke deep emotions.
What should I look for to identify archetypes? o A shared idea with *all* humanity o An inherited part of being human that connects us all o A constant and universal idea o Though details may differ from place to place, the concept is universal
Archetypes are present in all of the arts- literature, dance, painting, music and sculpture. Archetypes occur in the following elements in literature: 1.Characters 2.Symbols and Colors 3.Themes 4.Settings 5.Life cycles Archetypes in the Arts
Common Archetypal Characters Jung defined 12 major character archetypes that represent basic human motivations. More details about each archetype can be found here and here you can archetype yourself here!here 1.The Innocent 2.The Everyman/Woman or Orphan 3.The Hero (discussed in great detail a bit later) 4.The Caregiver 5.The Explorer 6.The Rebel
Common Archetypal Characters, cont’d 7. The Lover 8. The Creator 9. The Jester 10. The Sage 11. The Magician 12. The Ruler
More Common Archetypal Characters (not specifically defined by Jung) 1. The Villain: The counterbalance to the hero Usually embodies the evil the hero must battle in his search for self and the conquest of evil Thwarts positive action of the hero Usually dark or clothed in dark clothing Examples: Darth Vader, Voldemort, The Wicked Witch of the West
More Common Archetypal Characters (not specifically defined by Jung) 2. The Fair Maiden: The romantic focus of the hero and/or the villain The victim who must be saved from evil. Pure and innocent of the world’s evil ways.
More Common Archetypal Characters (not specifically defined by Jung) 3. The Mentor: The one who prepares the hero for the journey and the ultimate battle The person who provides the lessons the hero uses during the quest and ultimate battle Has lessons that provide moral strength
More Common Archetypal Characters (not specifically defined by Jung) May give up his life or make sacrifice to save another or save the cause Also known as the shaman or wiseman Examples: Gandalf (Lord of the Rings) or Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
More Common Archetypal Characters (not specifically defined by Jung) 4. Sidekick and/or Henchmen: Reinforces the personality of the hero/villian Often adds humor or “warm fuzzies” Supports or is the best friend of the hero/villain
Archetypal Themes Used in literature to express the need “to set the universe on the right course”. Basis of legends and myths This is what Carl Jung said was buried into the human soul.
Archetypal Themes Think of themes common in westerns, “Star Wars”, comic books with heroes and villains, legends and myths. Ex: The bad deserve to lose, the good should always win, the power of love should be stronger than the power of hate.
Archetypal Themes The 3 Big Ones: Love conquers all Good will triumph over evil Hate, if victorious, will destroy all
Archetypal Life Cycles Affirms Jung’s theory that we know some things by viewing our natural surroundings Cycles are the circles or patterns of life; repetitive They are understood by man as being constant and unchanging
Archetypal Life Cycles Human life Cycle encourages thoughts of life after death the dawn follows night, spring follows winter
Archetypal Life Cycles Common Life Cycles Life birth, childhood, adulthood, and death Seasons spring, summer, fall, and winter Time dawn, daylight, dusk, and night Meals breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner
Links to archetype resources: To learn more about the 12 archetypes: welve_Character_Archetypes.pdf archetypes.html Take a quiz to determine your personal archetypes :