ENERGY TRANSFORMATIONS LAB Craig, Zach, Johnathan Period 4
ENERGY TRANSFORMATIONS In a rubber band heat engine the energy transformations that may be present would include, the sun as nuclear energy, to a solar panel as solar or electrical energy, then to a wall out let as electrical energy, to the heat lamp as thermal energy, then to the rubber band heat engine as mechanical energy.
PROJECT LAYOUT Our problem is trying to find different types of energies and different types of energy transformations. Our hypothesis is If the thermal energy is applied to the rubber bands, then the wheel will rotate because of thermal expansion. IV- Thermal expansion DV- Rotation of the wheel Materials: Rubber bands, foam, bike wheel, heat lamp, hot glue, thin rod, beads, utility knife Procedure: 1. cut spokes off wheel but leave a little to bend up for rubber bands to hook on, 2. Put rubber bands on every hook then around axle, 3. cut supports and base to mount the wheel, 4. then put all together by glueing, 5. then places axle through holes on the supports with heat lamp on it, 6. record data and analyze it, 7. draw conclusions.
RESEARCH The rubber band heat engine converts thermal energy into mechanical energy. As the heat is applied, the rubber bands expand causing the wheel to rotate. There is stored potential energy in the rubber bands. Project research sources:,, the- Video link: Individual equipment research energy transformations are attached to the board.
PROJECT PROBLEMS Some problems that we ran into with the lab are that the foam wheel is not strong enough and it would bend in because of all the force from the rubber bands. So therefore we have decided to use an old bike wheel since it is made out of metal and wont bend. Another problem was building a base the what strong enough for the wheel. Some other problems are that we did not have all of the same size rubberbands.
RESULTS Our results are not valid because the project was not able to be completed. The wheel was ready but we could not make a base strong enough with the given materials. We plan to continue this and make it work. Picture of finished wheel