Materials: - Pencil -Notebook -Folder Agenda: Complete Bell work POP! Cylinder Rockets Lab Report – DUE! No gum, candy or chewing please! DO: Today we will finish writing our lab reports DQ: What was the relationship between the two variables? Friday April 8, 2016
Astronomy – Rocketry 4Student is able to teach another student about how to make predictions, test hypothesis and draw conclusions on various rocket designs – (ex: stability, shape, structure) 3Student is able to make predictions, test hypothesis and draw conclusions on various rocket designs – (ex: stability, shape, structure) 2With some help Student is able to make predictions, test hypothesis and draw conclusions on various rocket designs – (ex: stability, shape, structure) 1Even with help, Student is NOT able to make predictions, test hypothesis and draw conclusions on various rocket designs – (ex: stability, shape, structure)
Prism Rocket Cylinder Rocket
Lab report… on going Purpose: Hypothesis: Variables: Dependent: what are we measuring? Independent: What is different between the two rockets? Constant: What did we keep the same?
Lab report continued… Materials: list everything you used to create your rocket Procedure: numbered list of directions (start with verb) – explain how to create rocket. After launch, we will add the steps to explain the launch.
Lab report continued… Data table: you are measuring flight stability and distance. Make a table that organizes these variables for BOTH rockets.
Results: Add the launch procedure Data Table: Create a data table that organizes your results (go to the tab that says “insert” and click “table” – select the number of columns and rows and then fill it in. Graph: Make a double bar graph showing the flight stability & distance for both (prism & cylinder) rockets. Scientific Drawing: Labels go to on straight lines to the right of the object.
Data analysis: Interpret the relationship between the two variables (shape & stability/distance). Include the data from your data table and explain what it means. Summarize the experiment. Explain what the variables are and how they are related.
Data analysis - PoP rockets Data Analysis Interpret the relationship between the two variables (shape & stability/distance). 4In addition to a 3, your paragraph goes above and beyond by adding an additional yellow and pink that discusses how the data from your straw rocket trials is similar to these rocket trials. 3 Your topic sentence re-states the two variables and states the relationship between them. Your yellow sentences explain how each rocket did (use the data from your data table) Your pink sentences go into further detail describing what the data in the data table means in words. You formally conclude the relationship between the two variables by stating which rocket did the best and why. Don’t forget transitions Highlighted appropriately. 2Some of the above information is missing/incorrect/inaccurate 1The majority of the above information is missing/incorrect/inaccurate
o Your topic sentence re-states the variables and states the relationship between them In this experiment we tested __________________(independent variable) vs_________________(dependent variable) and their relationship is _____________________. o Your yellow sentences explain how each rocket did (use the data from your data table) Overall, the prism rocket ________________________. Do this for cylinder too o Your pink sentences go into further detail describing what the data in the data table means in words This means that it is/is not stable because___________________ and that is flew _____________. Do this for cylinder too o You formally conclude the relationship between the two variables by stating which rocket did the best and why. In conclusion, the relationship between ______________ and ________________ is __________________ because rocket ______________ did the best.
Conclusion - PoP Rockets Conclusio n Summary paragraph describing all of the steps of the experiment and what you have learned/concluded. In addition to a 3, your paragraph goes above and beyond by adding an additional yellow and pink that discusses how the data from your straw rocket trials is similar to these rocket trials. Your topic sentence describes what the experiment was. The body of your paragraph states/answers the following information in complete sentences: o Restate your hypothesis (yellow) o Was your hypothesis correct? Why/why not? (pink) o Summarize how you created each rocket. (Yellow & pink - 4 sentences total) o What were the results for each rocket (summarize data analysis) (Yellow & pink - 4 sentences total) o What was your purpose/problem statement? (yellow) o What have you learned about your purpose? (pink) o What were possible sources of errors in this experiment? (yellow) o In the future how could you learn from those errors? (pink) You formally conclude which shape is the most stable/ fly's the furthest. Your paragraph includes transition words, is free of convention errors and is highlighted appropriately Some of the above information is missing/incorrect/inaccurate The majority of the above information is missing/incorrect/inaccurate
Your topic sentence describes what the experiment was In this experiment, we tested two different shaped rockets for ______________. o What was your purpose/problem statement? (yellow) My formal purpose statement was ______________. o What have you learned about your purpose? (pink) I learned that __________________. o Restate your hypothesis (yellow) Moving forward, my hypothesis stated ________________. o Was your hypothesis correct? Why/why not? (pink) This was correct/not correct because________________. o Summarize how you created each rocket. (Yellow & pink - 4 sentences total) Next, I created the __________ rocket. To create this rocket I had to ________________. After, I created the ___________rocket. I created this rocket by ______________. o What were the results for each rocket (summarize data analysis) (Yellow & pink - 4 sentences total) Overall, when I tested the __________rocket the stability was ______ and distance was __________. This means ____________________. I then, tested the __________rocket the stability was ______ and distance was __________. This means ____________________. o What were possible sources of errors in this experiment? (yellow) However, some sources for errors were___________________. o In the future how could you learn from those errors? (pink) In the future, I could ____________. You formally conclude which shape is the most stable/ fly's the furthest. In conclusion the _____________rocket is the best for flight because____________________.