Checking energy, momentum, … conservation in Hadronics Gunter Folger CERN/PH/SFT
Overview Optional check ◦ Check and inform Mandatory Check ◦ Protect against “catastrophic” non- conservation 4/27/20112
Introduction Implemented in G4HadronicProcess ◦ Common to all processes and models using hadronic framework Elastic process is moving there 4/27/20113
Optional check Optionally checks and reports Numbers are (initial – final) state ◦ Energy ◦ Momentum ◦ Charge ◦ Baryon number For developer and testing ◦ Needs environment variable to activate ◦ Needs to set limits in model or process 4/27/20114 new
Optional checking – setup (1) Need to set environment variable G4Hadronic_epReportLevel ◦ 0: off (default) ◦ 1: report when E/p not conserved ◦ 2: always report ◦ 3: report when E/p not conserved, include process, model, and initial state info for primary and target nucleus ◦ 4: always report, include process, model, and initial state info for primary and target nucleus ◦ Negative numbers: send report to stderr Need to set limits for non-conservation in model or process 4/27/20115
Optional checking – setup (2) Need to set environment variable G4Hadronic_epReportLevel Need to set limits for non-conservation in model or process ◦ SetEnergyMomentumCheckLevels( 1*perCent, 1*MeV); User can define global via environment variables G4Hadronic_epCheckRelativeLevel G4Hadronic_epCheckAbsoluteLevel ◦ These override internal limits 4/27/ newold
Processes/models limits Processes/models limits Assembly like FTFP, only limit set by high energy model is taken String models ◦ QGS: (2%, 150 MeV) ◦ FTF: no limit set! Cascades ◦ Bertini: (5%, 10MeV) ◦ Binary Cascade: (1%, 1 MeV) 4/27/20117
Current status -1 After several fixes to energy non- conservation QGS + Preco ◦ Failures for momentum check ◦ Test12, test13 QGS + Binary (QGSB) ◦ Some failures for charge/baryon FTF + … ◦ ??? 4/27/20118
Current Status - 2 Bertini ◦ None seen Binary Cascade ◦ None seen 4/27/20119
Mandatory check Check energy conservation ◦ Default limit: (10%, 5GeV) ◦ Model may provide different limit ◦ If check fails, Raise G4Exception “JustWarning” to give details resample interaction ◦ Or, when G4Hadronic_epReportLevel < 0 (check mode) Raise G4Exception “EventMustBeAborted” to give details resample interaction 4/27/201110
Mandatory check (2) Limit may be changed by model GetFatalEnergyCheckLevels() ◦ Models not adding nucleus to final state ◦ (5 %, 250GeV) LEP, HEP LCapture, LFission LElastic NeutronHPFission 4/27/201111
Results All examples test pass Some problems seen in “check mode” ◦ NeutronHPInelastic Radioactive decay example ◦ IonInelastic/CascadeModel for He5, fatal Test62, also error on He5 ◦ FTFB, for light nuclei - Be 4/27/201112
Summary Expect to find problems with enhanced tests ◦ for new quantities ◦ or models Need fixes and improvements ◦ Often model is ok, but combination of two is not, e.g. QGSP – QGS + GeneratorPrecompoundInterface FTFB – FTF + Binary Propagate() 4/27/201113