Russian Revolution and Animal Farm Comparisons for Chapters 4-6
People Russia Lenin (Lenin's Tomb, situated in Red Square in Moscow, is the mausoleum that serves as the current resting place of Vladimir Lenin. His embalmed body has been on public display there since the year he died) Animal Farm Old Major (pigs dig up his skull and place it at the base of the flagpole beside the gun)
People Russia Leon Trotsky (other leader of "October Revolution," pure communist, wanted to improve life for all in Russia, chased away by Stalin’s KGB) Stalin (not a good speaker, not educated like Trotsky, cared for power, killed all that opposed him, used KGB, allowed church and propaganda) Animal Farm Snowball (young, smart, good speaker, idealistic wants to make life better for all, one of leaders of revolution, chased away by Napoleon's dogs ) Napoleon (not a good speaker, not as clever, cruel, brutal, selfish, devious, corrupt his ambition is for power, used dogs, Moses, and Squealer to control animals)
Places and People England and/or U.S. Winston Churchill and/or Franklin D. Roosevelt Germany Adolf Hitler Foxwood (large, neglected, old- fashioned farm) Mr. Pilkington (easy-going gentleman) Pinchfield (smaller, better kept) Frederick (tough, shrewd man)
People Russia Stalin’s KGB – Police Force (not really police, but forced support for Stalin; used force, often killed entire families for disobedience; totally loyal) Bourgeoisie/Aristocrats (vain/selfish, some people didn't care about revolution, they only thought about themselves, went to other countries that offered more for them) Animal Farm The Dogs (a private army that used fear to force animals to work; intimidated any opponent of Napoleon; another part of Napoleon's strategy to control animals) Mollie (vain - loved her beauty and self, didn't think about the animal farm, went with anyone who gave her what she wanted)
Events Russia Russian Civil War (ended in 1922 with the defeat of those who opposed Lenin) Animal Farm Battle of Cowshed (Animal Farm is firmly established on the English farm scene)
Policy Russia Stalin’s Five-Year Plan (stimulate Russian industry; industry under government control; aimed to improve Soviet industry to the point that the proletariats' life improved because of an increase in production; allowed the soviets to shorten the work-week) Animal Farm Windmill Plan (started by Snowball; stimulate farm production; Napoleon takes control of production; aimed to make the animal's life easier; Napoleon’s “voluntary” work day)
Events Russia Trotsky chased off by Stalin. (In October 1927, Trotsky was expelled from the Central Committee; Trotsky was exiled to Alma Ata (now in Kazakhstan) on January 31, M ost of the leading members of the Opposition surrendered to Stalin, "admitted their mistakes" and were reinstated in the Communist Party. He was expelled from the Soviet Union to Turkey in February 1929; he was given asylum in France; transferred to Mexico where he was assassinated) Animal Farm The dogs chase off Snowball. (Snowball tries to explain his plan, the animals start to buy into Snowball’s plan, Napoleon sends the dogs after him; animals shift their alliances to Napoleon.)
Events Russia Stalin’s Rise to Power (In Russia the growth of factory and industry was very depressing but depended on the obligatory labor of the proletariats. Russia hoped that by keeping the people working all the time and promising them a better world that they would not realize how bad their living conditions were.) Animal Farm Windmill Destruction (When it blew down, Napoleon blamed it on Snowball. Napoleon thought that if he could keep the barnyard animals busy all the time replacing the windmill that they would not realize how bad their living conditions were, and he could blame the destruction on Snowball. Unites the animals.)