DutchGrid KNMI KUN Delft Leiden VU ASTRON WCW Utrecht Telin Amsterdam Many organizations in the Netherlands are very active in Grid usage and development, with applications including multi-disciplinary collaboratories for e- Science, remote medical imaging for hospitals, data analysis for physics and climate research, as well as a start-up BioASP. DutchGrid Platform collaborators meet regularly, usually organized by of one of the running projects in the Netherlands. Besides, the platform provides hands-on support for organizations seeking to use Grid for their application. This support is provided through collaboration in one of the participating projects. The Certification and Security Infrastructure of DutchGrid is available for all scientific and research organizations in the Netherlands working on Grids. The Certification Authority is operated by NIKHEF as a courtesy service for the Dutch Grid community. It is part of a pan-European PKI Infrastructure coordinated by the EU DataGrid Project's CA coordination group. This European dimension enables seamless resource sharing by all participants both within the Netherlands and in Europe. If you or your organization is actively considering to use and deploy Grid services, you are cordially invited to join the DutchGrid Platform. See the web site at for details! As clusters of commodity compute systems become more widespread and high-speed networks extend to an ever larger part of the community, Grid middleware and grid portal services are deployed at an increasing number of sites in the Netherlands. DutchGrid is the platform for large-scale distributed computing in the Netherlands. The goal of DutchGrid is to coordinate the various deployment efforts and to offer a forum for the exchange of experiences on Grid technologies. All organisations in the Netherlands that are active in Grid research or deployment may join the platform. Our Partners The national research network provider SURFNet ensures excellent connectivity both within the Netherlands at 10 Gigabit/s, to Géant and to STAR TAP. At the forefront of network research, they run a 2.5 Gigabit “lambda” optical link to StarLight in Chicago.
ASCI, the Advanced research School of Computing and Imaging, in 2002 acquired the upgrade of the Distributed ASCI Supercomputer (DAS-2). DAS-2 is a wide-area distributed computer of 200 Dual Pentium-III nodes. The machine is built out of clusters of workstations, which are interconnected by SURFNet, the Dutch university Internet back bone for wide-area communication. Five universities participate in this project: Free University (Amsterdam), University of Amsterdam, Leiden University, Technical University Delft and the University of Utrecht. Highlights medical sciences the need to share data and resources is becoming more obvious by the day. The VL-E platform brings remote experimentation capabilities and content-based data sharing to desktop and Virtual Reality environments. The Virtual Laboratory for E-Science, VL-E, brings the innovations of the of the Grid to a wide and diverse user community. In chemistry, biology and Physics data processing requires an unprecedented amount of computational power and data storage. The Dutch national institute for nuclear and high-energy physics (NIKHEF) combined forces with SARA, the national supercomputing centre, to setup the infrastructure for the current D0 experiment and the LHC challenges to come. NIKHEF hosts 250 up-to-date CPUs, SARA can provide up to 200 Terabyte of long-term storage. DutchGrid is an open organisation dedicated to furthering Grid research and deployment in the Netherlands. For more information, please contact: David Groep, Kors Bos, For more information about the various projects, please have a look at their web sites. The DutchGrid web site and Certification Authority are operated as a courtesy service by NIKHEF. DutchGrid Platform is an initiative of NIKHEF and the Virtual Laboratory Project.