May 2011DLM Forum, Budapest1 The First OAIS-compliant Ingest of Digital Records Zoltán Lux The National Archives of Hungary web:
May 2011DLM Forum, Budapest2 The Task Transfer of data (ingest) from the BÜR system (data systems covering persons accused of or charged with crimes). Preparation of a format for long-term storage. Development of a suitable structure. Preparation of a format for utilization and searchable. Doing all this compatible with OAIS. Making SIP, AIP and DIP packages. Installation of frame systems at the Hungarian National Archives and the Budapest City Archives. Ensuring that further data can be incorporated as required.
May 2011DLM Forum, Budapest3 The OAIS Model
May 2011DLM Forum, Budapest4 Database of the Hungarian Prosecution Service DOS-based application, dBASE IV files and user program in Clipper 5 and with the development of it by the Chief Prosecutor’s Office. How digital storage suitable for long-term archiving and use can be produced from this. Results of the BÜR I. project (data systems covering persons accused of or charged with crimes): Selection of the SIARD format and planning for the upcoming SIARD SUITE application for relational databases (MSSQL, Oracle, MS Access). Preparation of submission specifications. Creating a new/modified data model Loading data into an Oracle database Using the SIARD SUITE to convert data into the SIARD format
May 2011DLM Forum, Budapest5 Submission specification
May 2011DLM Forum, Budapest6 Planning the ingest Creating CSV files from dBase files. Appropriate format and packaging of these for long-term preservation. Adding document files. Adding metadata in XML format. Appropriate structure. Packing in ZIP format: SIP and/or AIP. Making a searchable DIP.
May 2011DLM Forum, Budapest7 Implementation I Submission specification. Submission of the CSV data files along with special information on the data, other documents on software functionality, and some metadata. Loading this information into an Oracle database With an SQL program Applying SIARD SUITE to the database and creating a SIARD package. Creating an appropriate AIP by adding documents and metadata in specific and EAD XML format, all in an appropriate structure, and packaging them in a ZIP file. Manually Making an anonymous DIP by developing a web application with APEX.
May 2011DLM Forum, Budapest8 Implementation I
May 2011DLM Forum, Budapest9 Implementation II Submission specification Creating SIP packages. With SIPka application software Loading data into an Oracle database with the information on the data from the submission specifications. With BÜRke application software Applying SIARD SUITE to the database and creating a SIARD package. With SIARD SUITE called up by BÜRke application software Creating an AIP by adding documents, metadata in specific and EAD XML format, putting them into a structure, and zipping them. With SIPka application software Making an anonymous DIP with a devised APEX web application.
May 2011DLM Forum, Budapest10 Implementation II.
May 2011DLM Forum, Budapest11 Data for submission
May 2011DLM Forum, Budapest12 Creating an SIP
May 2011DLM Forum, Budapest13 Creating an SIP Loading data into the Oracle database. Assembly of various schemes in line with the task. Generating database schemes (META, STAGE, DW, SIARD, PUBLIC). Preparing PL/SQL programs. Loading data and journals, and preparing statistics.
May 2011DLM Forum, Budapest14 Applying the SIARD SUITE Producing a SIARD package for preparing SIP and AIP with SIARD SUITE.
May 2011DLM Forum, Budapest15 Applying SIARD SUITE Why we think SIARD FORMAT is appropriate for our task. Well-designed database. Tables and views. A lot of data-connection information can be stored in the database, e. g. with foreign keys, check constraints, triggers etc. Ability to store information about user program logic with their routines. Ability to add comments to almost every database object. These information vehicles can be transferred to the SIARD PACKAGE with other supplementary information on the database and user program. The format is package-independent.
May 2011DLM Forum, Budapest16 From SIP to AIP Producing the AIP with an application software (BÜRke). SIARD package, addicional documents, metadata information in XML format, appropriate structure, ZIP format.
May 2011DLM Forum, Budapest17 Producing the DIP Web-based user interface developed with APEX.
May 2011DLM Forum, Budapest18 Producing the DIP
May 2011DLM Forum, Budapest19 Producing the DIP
May 2011DLM Forum, Budapest20 Outcomes Completing the ingest process. Making the DIP searchable. Gaining experience with the SIARD SUITE, preparing the Hungarian version of it, and making some corrections to the software. Developing the software tools for ingest and long-term preservation of further BÜR records. Making the software tools applicable to other relational databases. Gaining experience with archiving digital records. Some further tasks and remaining problems.
May 2011DLM Forum, Budapest21 Thank you for your attention!