Operator security, the right to know and the need to know. Essentially, the purposes of these concepts are to maintain data security and individual privacy in government databases.
Key Points By and large, police data systems are relational databases. By placing information in tabular fields, agency employees can use the same data for multiple purposes. Data might be used for a single investigation, to speed the booking process of a multiple offender, to do crime analysis, or for an analysis of workload and deployment. Data might be used for a single investigation, to speed the booking process of a multiple offender, to do crime analysis, or for an analysis of workload and deployment.
Today’s Law Enforcement Law enforcement agencies are increasingly turning to the use of dynamic web applications that allow them to increase two-way communications, partnerships and problem solving, some of these applications are: Multimedia applications that enhance text, graphics, audio and video. Relational databases that allow nearly real-time information in the form of text, tables and maps. Multiple means of communications including Listserv capabilities, feedback forms and to specific officers Hyperlinks to other service organizations and resources
Budget Constraints Question: Should we as law enforcement administrators be “pushing the envelope” when it comes to advances in technology? That is, when programs are funded, should we choose the ones that are technology driven to prepare for the future? Should we as law enforcement administrators be “pushing the envelope” when it comes to advances in technology? That is, when programs are funded, should we choose the ones that are technology driven to prepare for the future?