Eu-T0 Laura Perini 28 febbraio 20141Laura ws ccr
● Started from...(personal view) CERN toghether with EIROforum worked out a paper for Research Accelerator Hub(s) Presented in different places included WLCG and WLCG-POB Agencies in POB appreciated some ideas but some work started for a more open project with less CERN-centric governance And EU-t0 idea was born…. 28 febbraio 2014Laura ws ccr2
28 febbraio 2014Laura ws ccr3 EU-T0 initiative on February 11, the representatives of INFN, IN2P3/CNRS, CERN, KIT, STFC, DESY, IFAE, CIEMAT signed a “position statement” on the “EU- T0 Federation” ✗ scientific context: particle, astro-particle and nuclear physics The Authors of the statement are G.Lamanna IN2P3, and D.Lucchesi INFN What comes next is taken from the signed position statement..
Aims to nurture the great value of the European “Higgs” E- infrastructure and to establish a common strategy for its evolution main objectives: ✗ share views on the H2020 funding program ✗ define a common strategy ✗ study the possibility to formally federate the major computing centres into an "European Computing Centre for Experimental Data Management", the EU-TO. the first step of an interdisciplinary large infrastructure on intensive data management 28 febbraio 2014Laura ws ccr4
28 febbraio 2014Laura ws ccr5 Possible common interests ✗ operation of common cloud services and protocols; ✗ future evolution of current grid/cloud and big data e- infrastructures; ✗ mutual exchange and agreement on shared core services for cooperative operations; ✗ dedicated network developments to connect centres each other at pan-European level; ✗ global "virtual research environments" built on shared archival and data access services, together with tools and applications tailored to diverse community needs and targeted for major future experiments; ✗ preparation of "data scientists" aimed to lead the major changes in e-Science;
28 febbraio 2014Laura ws ccr6 Possible common future activities ✗ interfaces with large HPC infrastructures, and with the private sector aiming to be a "pilot" public/private cloud system ✗ incubation of forefront software developments required by the majority of new research projects: e.g. parallel programming, non-relational databases, virtualization, new big-data scientific frameworks, scientific gateways and scientific analysis systems; ✗ issues, policies and services for data preservation. This will encompass both the technology for long term data archival and open data access, and the mutual promotion of protocols among different scientific communities concerned towards a unique and sustainable methodology.
28 febbraio 2014Laura ws ccr7 Next short term steps The Signatories mandate the authors to bring about the following steps ✗ Approach other European funding agencies to expand the collaboration. ✗ Agreement on the official roadmap for establishing the "EU- TO", the terms of the agreement among parties and the kick- off of the federation (-> Collaboration agreement). ✗ Definition of a detailed work program around a series of simultaneous projects which will be submitted to a series of H2020 calls (-> working groups).
Information collection To all partners was sent a “form” for collecting info. On their capability and interest, also specifically for projects For INFN G. Maron and L.Perini ( both present at CERN the 11° at the discuss and signature ) were mandated by INFN management to collect the answers. Sent yesterday just in time…thanks to everybody Next step in < 2 week: 4-5 pages paper for detailing and organizing INFN projectual interest…start now writing 28 febbraio 2014Laura ws ccr8
Disclaimer The relationship between the activities listed in the “info. Collection” and Eu-t0 is to be worked out yet, and will be different for different activities. The relationship with other existing e-infrastructures is also to be worked out: EGI, PRACE etc, 28 febbraio 2014Laura ws ccr9