YOUTH CAREER DEVELOPMENT (BFU and Bulgaria) Assoc. Prof. Diana Popova, Ph.D. Project No LVO2-KA
What/who makes us choose to study? Curiosity Prestige Parents, spouses, friends Necessity - get a job Better job opportunities Respect at work, at home, etc. Other ……………. Project No LVO2-KA
Why is it important to select a career carefully? Because of all that & Because we spend 40+ years on our work (more than 80, 000 hours). “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life”. Confucius Project No LVO2-KA
Some statistics unemployment-rate unemployment-rate Bulgaria Labour Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Unemployment RateUnemployment Rate % Youth Unempl. RateYouth Unempl. Rate % (2015 Statistical Data) Project No LVO2-KA
In times of economic recession Labour market contracts; Number of unemployed rises sharply; Young people - first targets of job cuts; Transition from school to jobs becomes almost impossible. “During economic downturn, young people are often the ‘last in’ and the ‘first out’ – the last to be hired, and the first to be dismissed.” (UN World Youth Report, 6 February 2012) Project No LVO2-KA
To reverse the trend… The European Commission adopted in 2011 a new 'Youth Opportunities Initiative', calling on Member States to work on: preventing early school leaving; helping youngsters develop skills relevant to labour market; ensuring work experience & on-the-job training; helping young people find a first good job. Project No LVO2-KA
Most common mistakes Today’s generation students: Do not always plan for the future; Follow the crowd; Choose by influence of others; Accept parents’ decisions; Get tempted by current trends; Often jump into any career; Lack motivation; Fail to discover their career path; Live in a fantasy world. Project No LVO2-KA
Steps to successful career development Define your goals Short-term Medium-term Long-term Evaluate current skills Reflect on achievements so far Think about preferences and dislikes Identify who can help Look for training and development Get a mentor Re-evaluate and update plan regularly Project No LVO2-KA
Student Center for Career Development at BFU Founded in 2005 in accordance with the Bulgarian Higher Education Act and the Rules and Regulations of BFU. Mission of the SCCD: To guide students through the process of educational, career and personal discovery; To prepare them for success in the job market. Project No LVO2-KA
What SCCD does Liaises b/n students and the labor market; Provides professional orientation and job counseling; Establishes contacts with employers, institutions and NGOs. Project No LVO2-KA
Services offered at SCCD Information about job vacancies, internships and job related events; Counseling on professional orientation and required skills; Assistance in job and internship search, application process and job interviews; Establishing contacts with potential employers; Help with CV and application letter; Finding out more about an employer. Project No LVO2-KA
How employers benefit from the SCCD Free advertising of job vacancies, internships; Recruiting the best candidates; Providing feedback; Organizing seminars, presentations and other events with students at BFU. SCCD Website - Project No LVO2-KA
Career development at BFU Emphasis on experiential learning-internships; Alumni Association of BFU - Engage alumni as career resources for students - networking; Alumni speak at student events, field trips for shadowing relevant alumni. Project No LVO2-KA
Student PR Agency Aims: Develop leadership and entrepreneurship skills; Annual PR competitions – national & international; Provide PR services to NGOs; Liaise with the media, PR agencies, marketing and advertising companies. Project No LVO2-KA
Career development events at BFU Annual National Career Days since 2003; “Career Start at the EU Institutions”- internship and job opportunities; Job Tiger (HR company and jobs site) days at BFU. Presentations about careers and how to get ready; Nestle – insights into the company and job opportunities; Presentations by the Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform; KPMG (professional service company) with audit, tax and advisory lines of service; UniCredit Bulbank – internship programme “My bank of the Future 2.0” - real business projects with mentors from the bank, training and internships. Project No LVO2-KA
Municipal Youth Plan Objectives and measures for the respective year in line with the National Youth Strategy and the National Programme for Youth. “New Opportunity for Youth Employment“ – EU scheme to drive down youth unemployment. Goals: To help people without upper-secondary education to return to school or enroll in vocational training for in- demand skills; graduates to get first work experience. Project No LVO2-KA
Business Incubator, Burgas Organizes Youth Entrepreneurship Exchange. Aim: Encourage young people with entrepreneurial spirit and business ideas to establish their own business. Project No LVO2-KA
The Bulgarian National Youth Policy Activities on state, municipal, youth organizations and societal levels. For personal development of young people and participation in social and economic life, and in the decision making processes at a local, regional and national level. Project No LVO2-KA
Innovative Program ative+Program+For+Individual+Career+Coach ing+By+Nestle+Bulgaria+Supports+Young+Pe ople%92s+Career+Development ative+Program+For+Individual+Career+Coach ing+By+Nestle+Bulgaria+Supports+Young+Pe ople%92s+Career+Development Individual Career Coaching By Nestle Bulgaria - supports young people’s career development Project No LVO2-KA
Employment Agency Program “Career Start” Increase professional mobility & facilitate transition b/n education and employment. Schemes “I can” and “Adaptability” (Operational Program “Human Resources Development”) National Program for modernization of vocational education – to provide facilities reflecting the current requirements of the labour market; A criterion for university ranking – quality training and apprenticeship for students. Project No LVO2-KA
What young people want Independence and self-realization – individual decision-making; Studies show that while the psychological independence of young people in Bulgaria is growing stronger, their social and economic dependence on family is still a lot stronger. Project No LVO2-KA