Intellectual Property in the Netherlands Murat Tanriseven 1-3 December, 2010 WPNA meeting.


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Presentation transcript:

Intellectual Property in the Netherlands Murat Tanriseven 1-3 December, 2010 WPNA meeting

Capital in the standard National Accounts (SNA 2008) …is from a knowledge perspective too limited Current SNA coverage of intellecual property products (IPP): R&D (new), Mineral exploration, Software and databases, Artistic originals Missing: Brand equity, Organizational innovations, Architectural and engineering designs, human capital (Corrado, Hulten & Sichel)

SNA 2008 Asset boundary Requirements for an entity to be an asset: Store of value (series of) Benefits accruing to owner Carrying forward value from one accounting period to another …brand names, non-technological (organizational) innovations, human capital?

Source and Methods Sources: R&D survey, Continuing vocational training surveys, national accounts data… Methods: Perpetual Inventory (time series investment expenditure) Service lives: R&D (9, 12, 15 years), Firm specific human capital (7-13).

Summary of findings

Growth accounting results The contribution of intellectual property to output growth of 0.5 percentage points in is as large as the contribution of other fixed assets; Sharp decline in (among others) computer hardware and software investment growth rates due to the end of the internet hype led to a small contribution of intellectual property and also other fixed assets to output growth in ; In and intellectual property explains part of output growth leading to lower MFP changes as being the growth residual. In 2009 the commercial sector invested 7 percent less in IPP.

Concluding remarks Intellectual property explains part of output growth ( ) leading to lower MFP changes as being the growth residual; Large differences between industries, the industry ‘financial and business activities’ is a dominant invester in intellectual property ; The Netherlands invest a lot in economic competencies, compared to other countries; R&D (technical innovation) does not tell the complete story of the knowledge economy

Future work Adapt concepts in an internationally harmonized way Improvement of estimates Further research on missing intellectual property products (e.g. architectural and engineering designs on own account, new product development costs in the financial industry)