Grade Book Manager
What does it do? Grade Book Manager will set the district preference for the legacy or new Q Grade Book. Cannot switch back – must make choice Legacy Grade Book is no longer supported by the vendor. Q Grade Book will have improvements and upgrades in the future.
Required vs. Recommended Q Grade Book has a feature where districts can choose one of three options for each Grade Book element 1. No requirement 2. Suggested setup 3. Required setup Can choose to “push” the setup across entire district, or “push” the setup at individual schools. **Please consider VERY carefully the implication of the required setup. Once it is done, changes to the setup will require a complete deletion of all Grade Book data.
School or District? The settings can be applied at the district or school. Select the level of school, then select the specific school.
Score Options For each set of choices, pick one of the radio buttons. Assignment Results Displayed and Entered As Numeric Scores – teachers enter numbers Grade Value – teachers enter letter grades Calculate Student Grades using: Point Calculation or Percentage Calculation Missing Assignment Scores: Count as a zero or ignore a missing score Assignment Publishing: Do Not Share or Share Assignment Information (Parent Portal Link) Calculated Gradebook Mark: Do Not Display or Display Calculated Gradebook Mark in Parent Portal Assignment Class Average: Do Not Display or Display Assignment Class Average in Parent Portal. Assignment Percentage Value: Do Not Display or Display Assignment Percentage Value in Parent Portal.
Categories and Mark Types If thinking about re-designing grades (Marzano and others), this may be a good place to begin translating to an electronic version. Each mark type must be configured from the mark definition, which were set up in consultation with your implementation manager. New mark types can be implemented, as this is one of the biggest structural changes to the Grade Book.
Category Setup Decisions: 1.Category names and associated mark types. 2.Category weights 3.Use of extra credit category. 4.Required or recommended Recommendations for least amount of change: Create two categories, one called Academic and one called Final Exam. Set weights to 1 for each. The Academic category will calculate with the Academic mark type, and the Final Exam will calculated with the Exam mark type.
Grading Scale Once categories and mark types have been decided, the grading scales must be set for each mark type.
Scoring Options Scoring Options are available in the teacher level in the Q Grade Book.
Groups Groups are a new feature in Q Grade book. GB Manager can define the group, but the teachers will need to select the students to assign to the group.
Mark Calculations At the ‘credit granting’ term (Semester/Trimester), the calculation method has changed. Previously, when the subterms (marking periods/quarters) were calculated at the ‘credit granting’ time, the grade book recalculated the tasks and used the percentages as of the time of the mark calculation, not the posted mark from the report card. Now, the subterm calculation will use the value of the posted mark, using the values defined on the mark value table.
Mark Value Table Calculation will use the value in the Num Mrk column to create the final grade. Recommendation: Review the values for the credit granting mark set.
Calc/Post Calc/Post has been improved to streamline grade posting. Grades are now calculated based on the defined value of the posted mark, not the re-calculated tasks (legacy grade book). Marking period grade showing the category breakdown. Final Exam is not included. Final Exam is included at the credit granting term (Semester/Trimester) Credit granting term – shows marking period grade, final exam, weight of each element. Preview button shows calculation. Post button saves to database.