WoS Education Sector Meeting 12 February 2015 UNICEF Regional Office, Amman, Jordan
Syria ESWG – Coordination Mechanism Syria ESWG established in 2011 co-led by MoE and UNICEF Coordination with monthly meeting in national and sub-national (Damascus, Tartous, Homs and Hassakeh) Currently 24 partners with education interventions out of 42 organizations (24 NNGOs, 9 INGOs, 5 UN, 3 Govt) attending education sector meeting actively across Syria. Dedicated Coordinator, IM Officer in Damascus and 3 Focal Points in Homs, Tartous and Hassakeh
Convergence Convergence to boosting complementarity Inter-sector collaboration with Protection/CP, WASH, Adolescence, Nutrition, Shelter Inter-agency cooperation – UNICEF &WFP on school feeding, UNICEF&UNDP on school repairs
IM & KM EDUCATION SECTOR ANALYSIS Quantitative analysis on EMIS – HNO 2015 Secondary data analysis Qualitative analysis MONITORING AND REPORTING Monthly 4Ws Humanitarian Bulletin – OCHA Sitrep Data collection of EMIS
Key Priorities Scaling up responses through a joint response plan within 2015 SRP Education needs assessment Monitoring and reporting: quality and evidence Advocacy: assertive and proactive Convergence of cross sector and inter-agency to boost complementarity Rolling out capacity building for partners on emergencies, preparedness and contingency planning, information management and principles of humanitarian response.
Lessons Learnt Missed opportunity of a joint operation plan of the WoS Education Sector to reach the most vulnerable To coordinate information sharing and reinforce the evidence base within the Whole of Syria (WoS) approach so as to avoid duplication and overlapping of response and boost complementarity and improve identification of gaps and needs. Expanding community based intervention to strengthen resilience and enhance sustainability Firewall to be replaced with break the wall (DO NO HARM). Monitoring on attack on schools, students, teachers and personnel Integrated assessment to update education gaps and needs. Supply driven to be focused on prepositioning &preparedness
Thank You