e-Learning: An Innovative Way to Serve Clients Aging & Disabilities Odyssey Tuesday, June 18, 2013 Peter Zenner, ZenMation, Inc.
- 2 - Workshop’s Agenda Panel Introductions Panel Introductions What is e-learning and who can it serve? What is e-learning and who can it serve? How have non-profit organizations successfully used e-learning? How have non-profit organizations successfully used e-learning? How do you make e-learning accessible to all people? How do you make e-learning accessible to all people? What is a Learning Management System? What is a Learning Management System? Panel Discussion Panel Discussion
- 3 - Panel Introductions John Gournaris John Gournaris –Mental Health Program Director, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Division Vincent Lee Clark Vincent Lee Clark –DeafBlind Specialist, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Division Candace Miller Lopez Candace Miller Lopez –Director of Development, Midwest Special Services Jeff Betchwars Jeff Betchwars –Consultant, Executive Management Services
- 4 - What is e-learning?
- 5 - What is e-learning? Structured learning that is provided over the internet Structured learning that is provided over the internet Three types of e-learning: Three types of e-learning: 1.Asynchronous: delivered as self-paced learning 2.Synchronous: delivered in real time 3.Blended learning: combination of synchronous and asynchronous
- 6 - Who uses the internet? * Source of Data: Pew Research Center
- 7 - How do people use the internet to educate themselves? Source of Data:
- 8 - What are the benefits of e-Learning? Reduces your training costs Reduces your training costs –Travel time, hotels and associated costs are eliminated Reaches more of your clients for less money Reaches more of your clients for less money –Geographical barriers are eliminated Provides learners with the ability to go at their own pace at their own convenience Provides learners with the ability to go at their own pace at their own convenience –Courses are available 24/7 Enhances computer and Internet skills Enhances computer and Internet skills Fosters greater student interaction and collaboration Fosters greater student interaction and collaboration Example 3-week sales training program Training 5,000 Mortgage Reps on an annual basis Converted to a blend of: Computer-Based Training (CBT) Virtual Classroom In-Person Classroom Each day of in-person classroom that was converted to virtual training saved $1,000,000 annually Example 3-week sales training program Training 5,000 Mortgage Reps on an annual basis Converted to a blend of: Computer-Based Training (CBT) Virtual Classroom In-Person Classroom Each day of in-person classroom that was converted to virtual training saved $1,000,000 annually
- 9 - What are some different formats of e-learning? HTML Text & Graphics Video-Based Instruction Webinars
What are some different formats of e-learning? Video Conferencing Simulations Computer Animation
How to increase effectiveness of e-learning Integrate the “Ladder of Learning” to increase retention rates Integrate the “Ladder of Learning” to increase retention rates –Lecture – 5% –Reading – 10% –Audio Visual – 20% –Demonstration – 30% –Discussion Group – 50% –Practice by Doing – 75% –Teach Others or Immediate Use of Learning – 90%
How long does it take to create learning programs? Classroom Basic e-Learning Interactive e-Learning Advanced e-Learning Front-end analysis, design, lesson plans, handouts, workbooks, PPT Web-based pages, text, graphics, simple audio/video, test questions Plus 25% interactive exercises, allowing users to perform “try it” exercises, liberal use of multimedia Highly interactive, simulation/game- based, heavy use of video, custom interactions, award-winning caliber 43:1*79:1*184:1*490:1* * Results are shown as ratios, showing number of hours of development to create 1 finished hour of learning Source: Survey conducted by Chapman Alliance
Examples of e-Learning Projects Client: Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities Client: Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities Partners in Policymaking Online Curriculum Partners in Policymaking Online Curriculum –Partners in Making Your Case –Partners in Employment –Partners in Education –Partners in Time –Partners in Living Teach self-advocates and parents of children with developmental disabilities on how to advocate for equal education, employment and housing opportunities Teach self-advocates and parents of children with developmental disabilities on how to advocate for equal education, employment and housing opportunities
Examples of e-Learning Projects Client: Commission of Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing Client: Commission of Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing Making Your Case online training enhanced with six hours of ASL videos Making Your Case online training enhanced with six hours of ASL videos Teach the deaf, deafblind and hard-of-hearing community how to become advocates for themselves Teach the deaf, deafblind and hard-of-hearing community how to become advocates for themselves
Examples of e-Learning Projects Client: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Division Client: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Division Working with People Who Have Hearing and Vision Loss online training Working with People Who Have Hearing and Vision Loss online training Teach Case Workers how to assess and serve people who are deafblind Teach Case Workers how to assess and serve people who are deafblind
Examples of e-Learning Projects Client: MN.IT (The Office of Enterprise Technology) Client: MN.IT (The Office of Enterprise Technology) WCAG 2.0 Webinar WCAG 2.0 Webinar Teach State of Minnesota employees about the basics of WCAG 2.0 and how to create accessible websites Teach State of Minnesota employees about the basics of WCAG 2.0 and how to create accessible websites
Examples of e-Learning Projects Client: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Division Client: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Division Deaf Certified Peer Support Specialist Online Training Deaf Certified Peer Support Specialist Online Training Teach deaf people who have recovered from a mental health issue on how to become a Peer Support Specialist Teach deaf people who have recovered from a mental health issue on how to become a Peer Support Specialist Self-Paced e-Learning Assignments Quizzes Group Virtual Classroom Assignment Debriefs Exercises Student CollaborationOne-on-One Coaching
Examples of e-Learning Projects Client: Midwest Special Services Client: Midwest Special Services The E-TRAC curriculum is organized around six courses: The E-TRAC curriculum is organized around six courses: 1.Exploring a Career 2.Filling Out the Paperwork 3.Starting Your Job Search 4.Interviewing for a Job 5.Evaluating Accepting a Job Offer 6.Keeping a Job Teach people with physical, learning and mental health challenges how to find and succeed in competitive employment Teach people with physical, learning and mental health challenges how to find and succeed in competitive employment
Making e-learning accessible to all Alternative text on all images Alternative text on all images Skip navigation Skip navigation Adequate contrast Adequate contrast Text enlargement capabilities Text enlargement capabilities Option of using keyboard vs. mouse Option of using keyboard vs. mouse Do not rely solely on color in providing information Do not rely solely on color in providing information Captioning on all videos Captioning on all videos Video descriptions Video descriptions
Screen Reader Simulation
Learning Management Systems User authentication User authentication Course enrollment, tracking and reporting Course enrollment, tracking and reporting Security Security Content Management Content Management Assessments Assessments Social learning tools Social learning tools –Forums –Blogs –Chat –Wikis
Panel Discussion Any Questions for Our Panel?