Detecting DNA with DNA probes arrays
DNA sequences can be detected by DNA probes and arrays (= collection of microscopic DNA spots attached to a solid surface)
DNA probes are pieces of DNA used to detect the presence of specific sequences in DNA. (Do not get probes mixed up with the primers used in PCR.) What characteristics will DNA probes need to have?
DNA probes are: Made of DNA Short Single stranded Complementary to the sequence being searched for Labelled with fluorescent or radioactive markers to allow detection
Example 1: Using DNA probes to search a match on an organism’s DNA (N.b. 1: This is not an array N.b. 2: This corresponds to the example in the printed notes)
Example 2: using DNA probes for microarrays (see book p74) (array= collection of microscopic DNA spots attached to a solid surface)
Small sections of genomic DNA as microscopic spots fixed onto a surface as an orderly collection Microarray
Microarrays can be used to study the expression of genes and compare patterns between healthy and unhealthy cells. It is the mRNA from cells which is used to form labelled probes (after it has been copied into single stranded DNA).
(To compare gene expression in healthy and diseased cells) (To obtain DNA from the RNA because it will hybridize better to the DNA on the array Fluorescent labeling (To be able to see When the DNA has hybridized to the DNA fixed on the array)
DNA probes can be used to detect: – Single gene mutations – Changes in gene expression due to disease (microarray)
Questions: Booklet p15: 1 Book q 2&3 p76 + What you should know.