Introduction to Climate Smart Agriculture Global Agriculture Training Package This session will help you understand the core dimensions of climate smart agriculture. It will help you understand how you can improve food security by introducing improved agricultural techniques that strengthen adaptive capacity to respond to climate stresses and shocks, as well as activities that help to slow climate change (mitigation) by storing more carbon in plants and soil. As volunteers, these activities can be carried out under the agriculture and environment sectors.
4 Food Security Dimensions Availability Affordability & financial Access Resilience & Stability Utilization Nutritional Quality and Family use of Food Food Security These components, availability, access, utilization, and stability are the key components to food security. As a volunteer you will not work in all of these areas, however understanding how they “fit together” will help you understand local and national dynamics.
Group Instructions: Activity #1 people climate event Read the scenario for your group, and underline text that relates to the dimension of food security (availability, access, utilization or stability) that your group has been assigned. Refer to the handout on the Dimensions of Food Security. Create a mind map illustrating all the ways that climate variability and change can affect your group’s given dimension of food security. Using a different color of marker, note who and what might be particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, (groups of people, livelihoods, infrastructure ). Take 10 minutes to create the map, you will have 2-3 min. to present. people climate event FS Dimension etc. etc. things etc. things
Session Learning Objectives Using scenarios describing the impacts of climate change on a particular agricultural livelihoods context, participants working in small groups will map the effects of climate change on at least one dimension of food security (availability, access, utilization and stability). After reviewing a handout, participants will distinguish between intensification, adaptation and mitigation as three goals of climate smart agriculture. Participants will cite at least one method appropriate for each CSA goal which PCVs can use to improve food security. Based on observation of an agricultural landscape, participants will evaluate the effectiveness of at least one agricultural practice to improve food security and explain how it relates to at least one of the goals of climate smart agriculture: intensification, adaptation, or mitigation.
INTENSIFICATION adaptation mitigation Click here to view video about Climate Smart Agriculture
Group Instructions #2: CSA Promising Practices You have 15 minutes. On your group flip chart, please note: Name of the Promising Practice The effect or activity it applies to from their mind map A brief summary of how the practice relates to at least one of the goals of Climate Smart Agriculture. BONUS- if there is time left over, the group can speculate about challenges or constraints they might encounter in promoting the practice.