1 Requirements of Carrier Grade NAT (CGN) draft-nishitani-cgn-00.txt draft-shirasaki-isp-shared-addr-00.txt NTT Communications Corporation Shin Miyakawa Tomohiro Nishitani
2 Agenda Background Concepts of CGN Network design of CGN Requirements for CGN Impact of service using CGN Conclusion
3 Background Because of IPv4 address “completion”, to allocate global IP address for CPEs is going to be difficult within few years. Basic strategy Building NAT by ISP and allocating (newly defined) private IP addresses for CPEs We call this as “Carrier Grade NAT (CGN)”.
Most conservative access model changes - introducing “Carrier-Grade NAT” - Access Concentrator Internet Global v4 address CPE With NAT Global v4 address End Host Private v4 address FTTH ADSL Access Concentrator With NAT Internet Global v4 address CPE With NAT (newly defined) Private v4 address End Host Private v4 address
We need new private space for CGN other than 240/4 Because we’d like to keep CPE router as is, we can not use /4 as CGN’s new private space. Simply today’s IPv4 implementation does not work well on /4 If CPE router firmware can be upgraded, it means that it can be upgraded to IPv6 compatible. Way better. “dual stack lite” does not need this but it requires CPE router replacement. This is the pros-and- cons. We are discussing this issues in draft-shirasaki-isp-shared-addr-00.txt
It looks v6 is not needed ? Please do not feel safe. CGN (and any other carrier-grade NAT scheme) has serious restrictions anyway. This draft is compiled to make CGN useful as much as possible but please note well that IPv6 will be needed eventually. Discussion will be presented at IAB Technical Plenary on Wednesday.
7 Concepts of CGN Basic scheme Sharing global IP addresses for CPEs High transparency No checking and altering application layer data Dropping as no data as possible High connectivity Hairpining Using UDP/TCP hole punching Fairness of communication for CPEs Limiting ports and TCP sessions per CPE High availability High scalability Targets of I.D-nishitani-cgn
8 Network design of CGN Private IP addresses WAN 1 Private IP addresses LAN 1 CPE 1 Private IP addresses WAN2 Private IP addresses LAN 2 CPE 2 CGN 1 CGN 2 Global IP addresses NW STUN/TURN server UDP/TCP hole punching Hairpining CGN external IP address and port
9 Basic scheme Sharing global IP address for CPEs REQ-1: A CGN MUST allocate one external IP address to each CPE. a) CGN external IP address of the UDP, TCP and ICMP MUST be same.
10 High transparency and high connectivity To comply with RFC and drafts which describe NAT behavior REQ-7: A CGN SHOULD comply with [RFC4787] for unicast UDP. REQ-8: A CGN SHOULD comply with [I-D.ietf-behave-tcp] for TCP. REQ-9:A CGN SHOULD comply with [I-D.ietf-behave-nat-icmp] for ICMP. To support DCCP, SCTP and IPsec ESP
11 Fairness to communicate for CPEs (1/2) Limiting the number of the CGN external ports of UDP and TCP,TCP sessions and ICMP identifiers REQ-2 c) REQ-3 c) REQ-3 e) REQ-4 c) Allocating dynamic ports for CGN external UDP and TCP ports (from through 65535)
12 Fairness to communicate for CPEs (2/2) Exceptions of limiting ports and TCP sessions REQ-5 Reserving UDP and TCP ports for always-available services Example of available services: POP3, SMTP, NTP …. REQ-6 To pass-through the communication between CPEs and specific hosts Examples of specific hosts: POP3 server, DNS server, WEB server ….
13 Impact of service using CGN 1. Effects of NAT functions VPN, P2P, VoIP No using UPnP 2. Limiting the number of ports, TCP sessions and ICMP identifiers Using many TCP sessions simultaneously AJAX, Web site including rich content, P2P Using many TCP sessions in short time RSS reader 3. Sharing global IP addresses for CPEs API which checks only IP address during authentication
14 Conclusion Concepts of CGN High transparency High connectivity Fairness of communication for CPEs High availability High scalability Impact of service using CGN Effects of NAT functions Limiting the number of ports and ICMP identifiers Sharing global IP addresses for CPEs
15 ( Fairness to communicate for CPEs ) REQ-9 a) When a CGN can't establish new session of TCP/UDP by limiting of TCP/UDP ports per user, the CGN sends an ICMP destination unreachable message, with code of 13 (Communication administratively prohibited) to the sender.