Activities of Plant Biotechnology Laboratory for the support of horticulture industry of Afghanistan 1 AGA KHAN FOUNDATION Afghanistan By: Shamsur Rehman National manager NRM lab: Plant Biotechnology Laboratory AGA KHAN FOUNDATION AFGHANISTAN
Agriculture as primary engine of Afghanistan’s recovering economy Agriculture was thriving in 1970s Today incapable of competing in international market Rejuvenation of horticulture industry is government priority (Agriculture Master Plan 2005)
Health status of germplasm National Collections of local and exotic fruit varieties Mother Stock Nurseries Insure propagation of cleaned planting material Data base for plant pathogens Phytosanitary certification scheme Support to MAIL Diseases control strategies Provision of capacity building 3
4 Pathogens testing Serological assay (ELISA) Molecular technique (PCR) Microbiology Unit Nematode Extraction Biological Indexing Tissue culture unit Micropropagation Micrografting Production of clonal rootstock
Analyzed the National Collections (Stone fruits) Apricot (PHD center Kabul) Almond (PHD center Mazar) Plum (PHD center Herat) Grape (PHD center Herat) Citrus (PHD center Jalalabad) Analyses of MSNs Citrus (Jalalabad, Kunar, Laghman) Stone fruits (Kabul, Mazar ) 5
Detected plant viruses in Afghanistan PNRSV in almond PNRSV in plum and peach CTV in Citrus GFLV in grape Capacity building NGOs technical staff MAIL technical staff University students(Internship) 6
Genus (Closterovirus) The most destructive virus among 30 citrus viruses or virus-like diseases. Killed or rendered unproductive(1989) ◦ Argentina more than18 million trees ◦ Brazilmore than10 million trees ◦ Spainmore than 40 million trees Can infect all citrus species, cultivars and hybrids. From mild to severe
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