Mass production and industrialization of potato via biotechnology using plant tissue culture system 국제기구- 지구환경보전실천기구 INGO-GECPO Project Pumasi Korea Co. ltd.
Mass production and industrialization of potato via biotechnology using plant tissue culture system Biotechnology Virus-free stock Mass production Potato
Process of plant cell and tissue culture 植物体 Shoot induction Root Induction Plant Seed (Plant Nusery) Somatic embryo plantlets Cell culture 植物体 proliferation Callus 幼植物体 大量生産 Tissue Solid culture liquid culture 不定根の 大量生産 (Mass production) Root
Habituation of plantlets derived from somatic embryos Since 1998 국내최초, 세계 2번째 배양체 건강식품
world`s four major crops Harvest of world`s four major crops (2009, FAO STAT) Harvest (1,000t) (㎏/㏊) Rice 575,430 3,899 Wheat 572,667 2,683 Corn 604,407 4,385 Potato 307,440 16,130
Harvest of potato Cultivation area Country (tone/㏊) (1,000㏊) (2009, FAO STAT) Country (consumption) kg /person /yr) Harvest yield(1,000t) Cultivation area (1,000㏊) (tone/㏊) (seed supply%) China (32.5) 73,282 5,083 (남한국토면적의 1/2) 14 (10%) Russia (133.5) 31,134 2,182 India (17.9) 3,439 1,828 19 (10%) USA (53.4) 19,569 419 47 (90%) Germany (69.5) 11,617 264 44 (90%) Nederland (92.0) 7,181 155 46 (90%) North KOR (2003) 1,884 198 10 Korea (13.5) 591 21 28 (40%)
Process of tissue culture and seed production in potato Old seed production system ( after 1980) Seed potato cutting From shoot tip culture Previous culture system (after 2000) Seed potato cutting Mass production using Bioreactor system Without cutting Foundation seed Breeder seed Farm
Right: virus infection zone Potato cultivation from virus-free stock Left: virus-free zone Right: virus infection zone
Problem and resolution of tissue culture previos resolution New resolution 1. Sucrose addition New bio tech. Without su, High light Indu strial ization - Contamination factor 2. Close of culture bottle Air circulation - Growth inhibition, gas 3. Solid culture Liquid culture - Small volume, High-cost Plant factory Previous method
1-2. Tissue culture & shoot proliferation in bioreactor Potato stem culture (1Kg) Light condition bioreactor reproliferation Mass stem culture (11Kg)
Mass production of potato tuber using bioreactor light culture Plants Potato tuber Dark culture
Green house Cultivation of plantlets and tuber of potato
Inside view of Plant factory for potato production Plant nursery Plant factory Inside view of nursery
Breeder seed production from Potato micro tuber
Process of virus-free potato productoion Cultivation in green house Reproliferation shoot shoot light bioreactor dark Cutting Plantlets Tuber formatiom Rooting Cultivation in green house Breeder seed Foundation seed 기본종 씨감자 Foundation seed 원원종 씨감자 High density cultivation cultivation Edible potatoes High yield
7. Soil Cultivation of seed potato