YOU NEED YOUR BOOK Journal (15 minutes) There is a major health insurance crisis today in the United States. –Do all citizens have a right to health insurance? –Should government make health insurance available to those who cannot afford it? –How is the push for universal healthcare (healthcare for everyone) today similar to the efforts of the Progressives?
Theodore Roosevelt and the Square Deal Aim: What did Roosevelt think government should do for citizens?
I. Early 1900s In the late 1800s, the US had several weak Presidents. Theodore Roosevelt changed that by passing Progressive reforms and expanding the powers of the presidency. He changed the way Americans viewed the roles of the President and Government
II. Roosevelt 1901 Roosevelt is Elected President of the US. He Graduated from Harvard and was elected at just 43 years old. He was a fierce progressive.
II. Square Deal Roosevelt believed the president and govt. should use the power of legislation to create fair and just environment for all Americans. Square Deal: President Roosevelt's program of reforms to keep the wealthy and powerful from taking advantage of small business owners and the poor.
“When I say I believe in a square deal, I do not mean to give every man the best of hand. If good cards do not come to any man, or if they do come, and he has not got the power to play the, that is his affair. All I mean is that there shall be no crookedness in the dealing. “ Roosevelt, 1905
III. Reforms Roosevelt’s reforms focused on two main areas: –Trustbusting and Regulating Industry Hepburn Act Sherman Anti-Trust Act Meat Inspection Act FDA –Managing the Environment Established National Parks National Reclamation Act (Water
Activity Complete the Handout Using pgs in your textbook!