Story of Theodore Roosevelt by : Kate Scharf
Details About Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt was born in New York on the date October 27, He married Alice Hathaway Lee in the year They had a daughter who they also called Alice. His wife died in the year Later he married a women named Edith Kermit Carow. All together they had five kids. Theodore Roosevelt went to college at Harvard University in Cambrige, Massachusetts. He died on the sixth of January the year of He was sixty one years old.
Accomplishments He was the twenty –sixth president of the United States of America.
3 Facts About My Person 1.His parents called him Teddy for a nickname. 2. He had three brothers and three sisters. 3.He owned a ranch in South Dakota.
Question Was it fun living in the White House or was it hard work?
Resources I Used- Theodore Roosevelt by Wil Mara Theodore by Frank Keating roosevelt
About the Author I live in Spearfish, SD. I go to school at West Elementary. I have two brothers. I love dogs. Theodore Roosevelt is my favorite president. I have one dog named Kota.