BY: Moses Gonzales & Lorenzo Aguilar
Theodore Roosevelt’s early life was filled with troubles Aside from living in a handsome brownstone house He was homeschooled most of his life because his many illnesses and asthma He had a specific routine of physical workouts and tasks that eventually increased his health
Roosevelt attended Harvard university for college His second year at Harvard his father died Determined to not let his fathers death bring him down he graduated Harvard with top Honors After Harvard he attended Columbia law school in 1880 and that year married alice hathway
Before serving in the Spanish American war Theodor had many jobs but his most important three were Captain of the coast guard New York Representive Cattle rancher
Roosevelt made a volunteer Calvary called the rough riders Teddy Roosevelt was known to be a war hero
Roosevelt was put on the Mckinley ticket and was elected vice president After Mckinleys assassination Roosevelt became president
Roosevelt was know as many things one commonly know at the time was a “trust buster” Roosevelt want after large trust that others didn’t He also made the square deal
Roosevelt after being president went onto many Expiditions and safaris Many of them in Africa and the us
Theodore returned to the U.S to run for office again He felt he could do more and was unsatisfied with Taft’s work
The bull moose party was a political party that fought for the right of the people The bull moose party was a political party