A Place Where Every Individual has the POWER to Succeed. Juniors Class of 2015
To prepare WHS juniors for college and career. To bridge student, parent and school communication on critical deadlines and information during their Junior year. All stakeholders working together, students, parents, school and community.
100% meet graduation requirements 100% able to attend a college or post-secondary school of their choice. 50% + meet the A-G requirements Exceed $400,000 in scholarships
Credits (220 total) = 140 credits or more is on track Required Classes (165 credits) Electives (55 credits) CAHSEE (High School Exit Exam) 85 Hrs Of Youth Service Learning Completed 66 hours by end of 11 th grade Portfolio and Senior Exit Interview
At this time please review your student’s Junior Graduation Information sheet that you received when you checked in. Discuss how many credits are needed for graduation and how many credits juniors should be at to be considered on track. Discuss how many community service hours are required and where juniors should be at by the end of this year to be on track.
94% + Attendance (while enrolled at WHS) Student debts must be cleared by the end of May of their senior year Any required Saturdays schools must be cleared (last Saturday school is in May)
Students planning to apply to a 4 year university next year should sign up to take the SAT & ACT. SAT & ACT are college entrance exams required for 4 year schools admissions.
SAT will be offered in Woodlake on October 11 th. Deadline to register is Sept. (date TBA). To register go to: ACT will be offered in Woodlake on April 12 th Deadline already passed. Next date is Oct. 25 th, deadline in Sept. To register go to: Cost: SAT = $50.00; ACT = $35.00 (no writing) or $50.50 (plus writing).
Juniors will be taking the EAP Program this Spring during STAR testing (April 7-11). EAP is geared towards 11 th graders in Alg. 2 or higher. Students are given an additional 15 English and Math questions that help the CSU system determine if they are ready for college level English and Math. Students who do well may be exempt for having to take the CSU placement exam.
April 23, 2014– Deadline to submit your Portfolios to your TU teacher. May 21, 2014– Teachers will return Graded Portfolios to Students. Students are expected to make revisions/corrections to portfolio during the summer. December 2014 (date TBA)– Deadline to submit your final revised portfolio to counseling. * Students are responsible for keeping their portfolio information backed up onto a flash drive.
Students who pass portfolio this Spring w/ 80% or higher will be released early on Tiger University (T.U.) days (about 2:40 P.M.). Students who pass portfolio are required to make corrections and will submit a final corrected portfolio in December of senior year. Students who fail or do not submit a completed portfolio will be assigned at T.U. class for the fall semester of senior year. It must be completed w/ a passing score by December of senior year.
Discuss with a partner: 1. What is the deadline to submit portfolio this Spring? 2. What privilege do students who pass with an 80% receive? 3. What are the consequences for students who fail (includes students who do not submit a portfolio)?
Guide students towards college resources Assist students with applications and essays- through workshops & individual appointments Workshops for college applications held in October & November – Dates TBA Write letters of recommendation Connect students with College Representatives FAFSA Workshop held in Feb. of senior year.
Things students should do to prepare for college: 1. Research and narrow down your college choices. 2. Visit college campuses and find out if they offer your major 3. Students apply to 4 year Universities starting October 1 st of their senior year and applications close Nov. 30 th.
UC$70 CSU$55 Common Application$25-$90 Profile$25 NCAA$60 NAIA$65
Have your student start their scholarship search. Create a calendar (for next year) of any scholarships you would be eligible for based on the scholarships criteria. Update your resume and personal statement. Get involved in extra-curricular activities and work on raising your GPA to increase your scholarship opportunities!
1. Must be enrolled in a college course, or have a job requiring 10 or more hours 2. Must be in 12th grade and -have appropriate grade level credits (180+ Fall Term, 200+ Spring Term) -enrolled in all required coursework for graduation -Passed CAHSEE -Completed at least 66 YSL hours -Can have only 1 period of Sr. privilege (1 st or 6 th period) -Must have a 2.5+ GPA -Must have passing score on portfolio (80% or higher) 3. Complete a Parent/Student meeting
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