1 Retirement of Legacy Features Why? –Improved usability and performance for Access Controls, Order Option Definitions, etc. through MMT GUI instead of PUMP –Ability to add new features such as Order and Service integration, e.g. give me the order options with my search results –Immutability applied across all concepts –Ability to more easily add DAAC requested features like REST Order Fulfillment. –Increased reliability of the CMR –Ability to deploy to the cloud –Consistent API usage for clients Adaptability to Client Needs Reliability Consistency
2 Client Retirement – Sept 2016 Reverb –Reverb is being modified to allow users to view search results in Earthdata Search with a button click to ease transition –Reverb NCRs and JIRA issues are being forwarded to the Earthdata Search development team to ensure Earthdata Search is adapted as necessary to meet Reverb user needs –All Earthdata Search feedback is welcomed! The Earthdata Search development team looks for trends among user feedback to ensure problems are addressed in a holistic way PUMP and EIAT –PUMP capabilities will be migrated to the Metadata Management Tool (MMT) –The MMT is currently under development Reverb Earthdata Search (EDSC) PUMP/EIAT Metadata Mgmt Tool (MMT)
3 API Retirement SOAP APIs (v9 and v10) are being retired and clients will need to migrate to REST APIs Services that will not be supported going forward: –Event Notification –Extended Services –Subscription –Taxonomies –Authenticators –Auditing –ECHO Administration –Provider Browse Holdings –Legacy FTP Ingest GHRC, GSFCS4PA, NSIDCV0TST, PODAAC, USGS_EROS –Calendar (moving to an Earthdata application)
4 Schedule FeatureDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSep Groups & ACLs Tokens Provider User Pref. Orders & Order Options DQS Services CMR in UAT Feature Available in PROD MMT in UAT SOAP API and PUMP Discontinued CMR in UAT MMT in UAT CMR in UAT MMT in UAT CMR in UAT MMT in UAT CMR in UAT MMT in UAT CMR in UAT MMT in UAT
5 Next Steps Migrate from SOAP APIs to REST APIs –ECHO REST APIs Can be used today with the exception of Order Fulfillment Will not be evolved as new features are developed –CMR REST APIs Being developed per the schedule on the last slide Will continue to evolve with new features and capabilities Try out Earthdata Search and MMT and provide feedback!
6 Going Forward Reach out to ESDIS if the schedule is a problem Reach out if you have questions with the CMR APIs or need features to be added to Earthdata Search or MMT Sign up for the listserv to be informed of API updates and new feature development Join the Unified Technical Committee (UTC) bi-weekly calls
7 This material is based upon work supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Contract Number NNG15HZ39C.