3/11/16 Do Now: -What do you make of our poll results from yesterday? Homework: -Read chapter 7 and complete the guided reading questions for Monday 3/14 -Test corrections & reflections due Tuesday 3/15 Learning Goal: How can you use test corrections to improve your understanding of Gatsby and test taking strategies?
What do you make of yesterday’s poll results? 1)Is the American Dream alive for you personally? Yes – 73% No – 27% 1)Is the American Dream dead? Yes – 65% No – 35% 1)Which way is America headed? “The right direction” – 10% “The wrong track” – 40% Not Sure – 50%
Agenda: 1)Review poll results from yesterday 2)Test reflections and corrections
Reflections: Directions: Review your quiz from chapters 4-6 and complete the following worksheet in complete sentences. 1)Use your scantron and test to breakdown your performance on the various parts of the quiz. Vocabulary (1-10): _________/10 Comprehension Multiple-Choice (11-25): ___________/15 Text/Passage Based Multiple-Choice (26-45): _________/20 Total Score: _________/45
Reflections: 2) How much did you prepare for the quest? (1- not at all 10 – I spent hours preparing) 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 3)Based on the breakdown above, where did you preform best? Why was this? 4)Based on the breakdown above, where did you preform the worst? Why was this? 5)What can you do going forward to improve your performance on the quizzes/test?
Example: Question # __42_____My Answer: ____A_____Correct Answer: ____D_____ Select One: oI made a mistake on this question oThis was an unfair question I thought the correct answer was A because the first part of the sentence says “the same people, or at least the same sort of people, the same profusions of champagne, the same many-colored” so I thought the answer was that Gatsby’s parties never change. However, the correct answer is D because the last part of the sentence says “but I felt an unpleasantness in the air, a pervading harshness that hadn’t been there before”. In order to answer this question correctly you would need to read the entire passage and not jump on the first distractor answer.
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CorySarah Valeria NicoleJakeJulie Vincent Izzy Kate Gabe Aaron Tim Jayme Michelle Jacob Dani Julia Leah Christian Marvin Mark Brenda Jess Alex SMARTBOARD Teacher’s Desk Per. 8 DoorDoor
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