TODAY’S GOALS Peer review the second draft of your WTE essays Continue refining your theses and adding details to the body paragraphs of your WTE essays Reflect on your peer feedback
GROUP ACTIVITY- WTE PEER REVIEW Pair up with one (or two) students from your unit 3 groups Review each student’s essay and answer the following question on a separate sheet of paper 1.Does the essay’s introduction grab the readers’ interest and present the topic in an interesting way? What kind of strategy does it use to do this? 2.What is the students’ thesis (take this directly from the text)? Are there any problems with this thesis based on the criteria we discussed in class on Monday? 3.What elements does the essay forecast for the body paragraphs? Do the essay’s body paragraph align with this forecasting? 4.What kind of evidence does the body paragraph(s) present to support the evaluation of its criteria? Identify one specific example for each criteria 5.What is one element you like about this essay? What is one suggestion you would give for improvement?
GROUP ACTIVITY- WTE PEER REVIEW Pair up with one (or two) different students from your previous peer review Review each student’s essay and answer the following question 1.Does the essay’s introduction grab the readers’ interest and present the topic in an interesting way? What kind of strategy does it use to do this? 2.What is the students’ thesis (take this directly from the text)? Are there any problems with the thesis criteria we discussed on Monday? 3.What elements does the essay forecast for the body paragraphs? Do the essay’s body paragraph align with this forecasting? 4.What kind of evidence does the body paragraph(s) present to support the evaluation of its criteria? Identify one specific example for each criteria. 5.What is one element you like about this essay? What is one suggestion you would give for improvement? At the end of class, staple both pages of your peer review questions to your essay and hand them in
BLOG ENTRY 9 Focus: Peer feedback and WTE revision Now that you have completed your peer review and read through your peer feedback, take a few minutes to think about that feedback, our conferences, and how you will use those suggestions to revise your WTE essay as you work towards the final draft. What was most helpful to you from the peer review exercise? What did your peers think was strong about your essay? Do you agree? What suggestions for revision did your peers offer? Do you think these suggestions are helpful and correct? How did your essay compare in different areas to the essays of your peers? What will you do to revise the next draft of your essay to improve it for your final draft?
HOMEWORK WTE – Draft 3 Due Tuesday11/10 or by your conference time 750+ words, MLA format, printed and brought to your conference Should include your introduction, thesis, and forecasting, body paragraphs, and conclusion Blog Entry 9 Upload to your blogs by Friday 11-6