Exodus Story of Moses By: Miranda Allen ENG 356 The Bible as Literature
Moses Bible – Moses Hebrew “son”, “deliver” Torah – Mosheh Hebrew “to pull/draw out” [of water] Qur’an – Mûsâ Arabic “prophet”, “messenger”. Also Egyptian “of the water”
Birth of Moses Born to a Hebrew family. Taken in by Pharaoh’s daughter and raised as her son.
Moses Pleads to Pharoah Moses and the burning bush. God instructs Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses begs Pharaoh to let the Israelites go and Pharaoh refuses despite Egypt being plagued as well as the firstborn Egyptian sons being killed.
Moses Leads Israelites to Freedom Moses leads Israelites to the Red Sea and splits it. Pharaoh sends his army in after the Israelites and God closes the sea on Pharaoh and his army.
Mt Sinai and the Ten Commandments Israelites are taken to the promise land. Camped out at Mt Sinai, Moses travels alone to the top to receive the 10 commandments for which the Israelites are now instructed to live.
Book of Exodus Author: Moses Purpose: To affirm the divine authority of Moses' leadership and of covenant law and worship regulations Date: c B.C. Exodus – Latin form of Greek exodus meaning “exit”, “departure”.
Book of Exodus HistoryMythic Tale
Works Cited quran/ y/2500_BCE-539_BCE/Social_History/Exodus.shtml