European Exploration Ch5 P. 40 - 44 in your ISN
Christopher Columbus Spain Convinced the King & Queen of Spain to pay for his expedition They wanted a faster route so that they could make more money & spread the Catholic religion to Asia First voyage was August 3, 1492 He reached the Carribean Islands on October 12, 1492 (thanks for the day off man)
Alonzo Alvarez de Pineda Spain Alonzo Alvarez de Pineda First explorer to map the Texas Coast
Spain Hernan Cortes Cortes conquered the Aztecs and their city of Tenochtitlan and built Mexico City on top of the ruins Cortes sent riches back to Spain Now many explorers wanted to go to New Spain to get rich
Spain Panfilo de Navaez Was sent to conquer the land between Florida and Mexico and establish Spanish colonies Many of his ships were lost in a hurricane but some men made it to Galveston Many Karankawa died from being exposed to small pox and influenza
Spain Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca He and a slave named Estevanico were survivors from the Narvarez expedition The Indians taught them about the land and wildlife They walked for 18 months from Galveston to Mexico and became the first explorers of the interior of Texas He told the Spanish the Indian legend of Cibola 7 cities of gold There were many riches in Mexico, could there be more in Texas?
Friar Marcos de Niza Spain Went on an expedition with Estavanico to confirm the stories of Cibola Estavanico was killed by Zuni warriors
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado Spain Francisco Vasquez de Coronado Sent to look for Cibola, the 7 cities of gold Split his party in two groups One group traveled West to New Mexico and was the first to explore the Grand Canyon They saw many buffalo and learned much about the land Eventually they made it to Palo Duro Canyon There were no riches and Coronado had to return home empty handed, but not before he claimed the land for Spain
Hernando de Soto Sailed to Florida to look for Cibola Spain Hernando de Soto Sailed to Florida to look for Cibola Explored Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, the Carolinas, and Tennessee before he died This was the first expedition into the interior of America
Spain Missions When the English and French started exploring nearby areas the Spanish saw it as competition The First Mission was established near present day El Paso Corpus Christi de la Ysleta
France France established Fort St. Louis in East Texas This made Spain worry about losing their claim to Texas This will cause a boundary dispute
Rene-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle France Rene-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle Canoed down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico He claimed the Mississippi and all the lands watered by it for France He built a fort to control trade on the Gulf and monitor Spanish activity
France Fort St. Louis By 1686 many colonist had died from disease, starvation, and Indian attacks On March 19, 1687 La Salle was shot by his own colonists