Where are practices held? FOST Barracudas practice 5 days a week - New 7 & Up swimmers begin April 21 th - All others begin practice April 28 th A complete practice schedule is listed on the back of this brochure and can also be found on the FOST website: When are swim practices held? Is swim practice REALLY important? All practices are held at the Forest Oaks Swim & Racquet Club: Joanleigh Drive Spring, Tx FOSRC allows FOST to use the pool facility for our Summer League practices & meets. A user fee is paid at registration that allows use of the pool ONLY during FOST scheduled events. Attendance at swim practice is KEY to your swimmer’s success AND the success of our TEAM! Practice is the most important part of developing as a swimmer. It is during practice time that your child learns from the coach and becomes a member of the team by developing friendships with the other swimmers. We encourage all swimmers to come on time to every practice. We recommend a minimum of three practices per week. This would allow for more instruction and rehearsal of skills, better retention and perfection of stroke technique, and offer enough time to develop an element of endurance along with team interaction. If your swimmer wishes to participate on a relay team, Friday’s practice is mandatory. Practice Guidelines Swimmers must: Come regularly to practice, plan to attend a minimum of 3 practices per week Be sure to come with the proper equipment: suit, goggles, swim cap & towel Attend the Friday practice session to participate in relays Notify a coach of any practice session conflicts Plan to be at practice, ready to swim, at the start of the practice session Do not stay in the gated pool area once your practice session has ended Come to practice with a positive attitude Keep our swim area clean & tidy Parents, please: Encourage your swimmer to come to all practice sessions Be sure to pick up swimmers IMMEDIATELY once practice is over. Although Team Suits are not mandatory, FOST DOES encourage it. Our official Team outfitter: Where to get swim stuff… What if my swimmer can’t make it to practice? What if my swimmer can’t make it to practice? Can I stay to watch my swimmer during practice sessions? Can I stay to watch my swimmer during practice sessions? Yes, parents and guests are encouraged to stay and watch. However, please: View practices from OUTSIDE the fenced pool area Enter the pool area ONLY to collect or return chairs or use the restroom Allow your swimmer to have the full benefit of our coaching staff and do NOT talk or “coach” your swimmer during a practice session Tidy up the sitting area before you leave How do I know practice is cancelled? The FOST Board or Coaching Staff may cancel a practice session where the pool area is deemed unsafe. (i.e. weather/lightning) As soon as possible, a cancellation notice will be posted At the pool gate entrance On the FOST website: NOTE: Practices may still be held with light rain, Coaches will cancel for thunder/lightning or severe weather conditions. If a swimmer is unable to make a practice session or has a schedule conflict, please inform a coach, in advance if possible, there may be an alternative session available. A Vacation/absence form is available on the FOST website:
Practices five days a week Forest Oaks “Barracudas” Practice Schedule April 28 th – June 5th Age GroupIn SchoolAge GroupOut of School Age Group Out of School – PM :00p-4:40p13& up7:00a-7:55a 6 & Under4:40p-5:20p11 & 127:55a-8:50a7 thru 107:00p – 8:00p 7 & 85:20p-6:00p9 & 108:50a-9:35a11 & Up8:00p-9:00p 9 & 106:00p-6:40p7 & 89:35a-10:15a *Practice Pass Card required for PM Practice 11 & 126:40p-7:20p6 & Under10:15a-10:55a Please request a pass from the Coaches 13 & 147:20p- 8:00p Forest Oaks Swim Team Joanleigh Drive Spring, TX Summer 2014 An Introduction to …. Swim Practice Visit our website for detailed information: Swim Practice Training Etiquette There are many areas of "training correctly" that will not only enhance skill, but promotes a positive TEAM atmosphere. The following guidelines for Training Etiquette are intended to create a higher quality workout, and more enjoyment of swim practice for everyone. They include: No stopping!!! Work extra hard to complete each practice set even if you are tired. You will achieve your goals quicker if you do NOT give up when a practice set becomes difficult. The Coaches create challenging practices, but never anything they do not think you can accomplish. Turns & Touches must be done properly in practice. If you don’t use the appropriate turn in practice, you will not be able to do it correctly in a meet. Finish at the wall ; no touching the bottom of the pool and walking in. Passing in a lane should only be done on longer swims and done quickly so there is no interference with people coming the other way. If you are on somebody's feet, wait until you are between repeats and ask them if you can go ahead. Leaders in each lane must be aware of the interval and the send-off times, otherwise the entire lane begins to miss the interval. The five seconds apart rule does not encompass 3 seconds or 7 seconds apart. This will only confuse everyone behind you of their time. Attendance will help build your endurance and ability to complete a challenging practice. Conditioning is a building process. Regularly showing up late can be disrupting and takes away from practice time. On occasion, due to other commitments, we understand that people will be late to practice. If this could be kept to a minimum it would be appreciated. If possible, all swimmers should be in their suits, on the deck at the scheduled time. Bathroom breaks: Be sure to use the bathroom before practice. If you need to take a break during practice, it should be taken QUICKLY and only between practice sets. If you don’t understand something about your practice; PLEASE ASK THE COACH. Always be courteous, kind and show respect towards your Coaches, fellow team-mates and parents. Swim Practice Training Etiquette There are many areas of "training correctly" that will not only enhance skill, but promotes a positive TEAM atmosphere. The following guidelines for Training Etiquette are intended to create a higher quality workout, and more enjoyment of swim practice for everyone. They include: No stopping!!! Work extra hard to complete each practice set even if you are tired. You will achieve your goals quicker if you do NOT give up when a practice set becomes difficult. The Coaches create challenging practices, but never anything they do not think you can accomplish. Turns & Touches must be done properly in practice. If you don’t use the appropriate turn in practice, you will not be able to do it correctly in a meet. Finish at the wall ; no touching the bottom of the pool and walking in. Passing in a lane should only be done on longer swims and done quickly so there is no interference with people coming the other way. If you are on somebody's feet, wait until you are between repeats and ask them if you can go ahead. Leaders in each lane must be aware of the interval and the send-off times, otherwise the entire lane begins to miss the interval. The five seconds apart rule does not encompass 3 seconds or 7 seconds apart. This will only confuse everyone behind you of their time. Attendance will help build your endurance and ability to complete a challenging practice. Conditioning is a building process. Regularly showing up late can be disrupting and takes away from practice time. On occasion, due to other commitments, we understand that people will be late to practice. If this could be kept to a minimum it would be appreciated. If possible, all swimmers should be in their suits, on the deck at the scheduled time. Bathroom breaks: Be sure to use the bathroom before practice. If you need to take a break during practice, it should be taken QUICKLY and only between practice sets. If you don’t understand something about your practice; PLEASE ASK THE COACH. Always be courteous, kind and show respect towards your Coaches, fellow team-mates and parents.