Iron Knight Stations 1February2013
Station One: The Smoker Flutter Kicks/Lunges/Power Hop/Bear Crawl
Station 1 Task: Execute all exercises (flutter kicks, power hops, burpees and bear crawls) to standard. Conditions: Given the provided area and standards, complete all exercises in Station 1 before moving on to the next station. Standards: All team members conduct each exercises appropriately. Pro teams will complete: 25 (4-count) flutter kicks/50m power hops/15 Burpees/50m bear crawl. JR teams will complete: 20 (4-count) flutter kicks/ 30m power hops/ 10 burpees/ 30m bear crawl. Penalty- :30 penalty for any exercise not completed (each member).
Exercise Standards Flutter Kick: Laying on back, hands under lower back, legs extended straight out in front 6” off the ground. Once the cadence begins, the exerciser will alternate legs in an up and down motion bringing their toe to the opposite foots heel. Power Hop: Feet shoulder width apart, exerciser will squat down and jump forward as far as possible, throwing the arms and thrusting their hips for maximum distance. Burpees: Starting with hands on hip, exerciser will jump down into a push-up position, lower body till chest touches the ground, return to the push-up position bring feet between wrist squatting and jump up as high as possible arms extended in the air, repeat. Bear Crawl: Competitors will get down on hands and feet moving as quickly as possible maintaining a bear like appearance moving across designated area.
Station Two: Ouch My Thighs Lunges
Station 2 Task: Execute the exercise (lunges) to standard. Conditions: Given the provided area and standards, complete all exercises in Station 2 before moving on to the next station. Standards: Each member conducts the exercise appropriately. Pro team members will travel 50m while lunging. JR team members will travel 30m while lunging. Penalty- :30 penalty for failed exercise (each member).
Exercise Standards Competetor will begin with feet at shoulder width apart, reaching out as far as possible with one leg touching the opposite knee to the ground. The leg that touched the ground will then push up and go back to the starting position. The competitor will then alternate this movement.
Station Three: Do I Look Like A Drawbridge To You Sit-Ups
Station 3 Task: Execute the exercise (sit-ups) to standard. Conditions: Given the provided area and standards, complete all exercises in Station 3 before moving on to the next station. Standards: Each team will complete a combined number of sit-ups. Pro Teams will conduct 300 combined sit-ups. JR teams will conduct 225 combined sit-ups. Penalty- 1:00 penalty for each member if team fails to complete exercise.
Exercise Standards Starting on the ground with fingers interlocked behind the competitors head and knees at a 90 degree angle, the competitor will raise their body till the base of their neck is above the base of their spine. The rep is counted when their shoulder blade makes contact with the ground.
Station Four: Don’t Drop Me Litter Carry
Station 4 Task: Litter Carry. Conditions: Given the provided area and standards, complete all exercises in Station 4 before moving on to the next station. Standards: Teams will negotiate the route marked with one member of team on litter and the remainder of the team carrying. Both Pro and JR Teams will be held to same standard. Penalty- 5:00 penalty for teams who refuse to negotiate obstacle.
Exercise Standard The heaviest member of the team will lay on the litter. One competitor will hold the end with the feet leading the litter by themselves, the other team members will each have one handle on the head end.
Station Five: Push Down The Earth Push-Ups
Station 5 Task: Execute the exercise (push-ups) to standard. Conditions: Given the provided area and standards, complete all exercises in Station 5 before moving on to the next station. Standards: Each team will complete a combined number of push-ups. Pro Teams will conduct 225 combined push-ups. JR teams will conduct 200 combined push-ups. Penalty- 1:00 penalty for each member if team fails to complete exercise.
Exercise Standards Starting with arms extended and back straight each member must bend at the elbow until their triceps are parallel to the ground. Their body must move as one unit.
Station Six: Puppet Master Pull-Ups
Station 6 Task: Execute the exercise (pull-ups) to standard. Conditions: Given the provided area and standards, complete all exercises in Station 6 before moving on to the next station. Standards: Each team will complete a combined number of pull-ups. Pro Teams will conduct 50 combined pull-ups. JR teams will conduct 30 combined pull-ups. Penalty- 1:00 penalty for each member if team fails to complete exercise.
Exercise Standards Hand grip will be palms towards the competitor. Beginning at a dead hang, the competitor must lift there body without excessive swinging until their chin raises above the bar, and must descend until their arms are again fully extended.
Station Seven: Hope You Brought Your Floaties Pool Swim
Station 7 Task: Execute the exercise (pool swim) to standard. Conditions: Given the provided area and standards, complete all exercises in Station 7 before moving on to the next station. Standards: Each team will complete a combined number of meters in the pool. Pro Team member will swim 100m each. JR team members will swim 75m each. Penalty- 2:00 penalty for each member if team fails to complete exercise.
Exercise Standards Competitors may utilize any swimming motion that they wish.
Station Eight: Call The Movers Box Push-Ups
Station 8 Task: Execute the exercise (box push-ups) to standard. Conditions: Given the provided area and standards, complete all exercises in Station 8 before moving on to the next station. Standards: Each team will complete box push-ups as one unit. Pro Teams will conduct 25 combined box push-ups. JR teams will conduct 15 combined box push-ups. Penalty- 1:00 penalty for each member if team fails to complete exercise.
Exercise Standards Each member of the team will place their feet on another members shoulders, forming a box. Once the team is comfortable, they will raise themselves and lower as a team. The pace is dictated by one member of the team.
Station Nine: Mission Impossible Rope Bridge
Station 9 Task: Execute the exercise (rope bridge) to standard. Conditions: Given the provided area and standards, complete all exercises in Station 9 before moving on to the next station. Standards: Each member will cross the rope bridge. Pro and JR teams will be held to same standard. Penalty- 1:00 penalty for failed exercise (each member).
Exercise Standards Each member must attach to the rope, pull themselves across without help and then detach from rope. Team members may help another member get on and off the rope.
Station Ten: This Isn’t Natural Tire Flip
Station 10 Task: Execute the exercise (tire flip) to standard. Conditions: Given the provided area and standards, complete all exercises in Station 10 before moving on to the next station. Standards: Each team will flip a tire a designated distance. Pro Teams will flip a tire 30 m. JR teams will flip a tire 20 m. Penalty- 1:00 penalty for each member if team fails to complete exercise. Each team will receive three warnings of rolling, after the third they will be assessed a :30 penalty.
Exercise Standards All team members will squat down using their legs and lift the tire, flipping it to the designated location. It must be flipped not rolled.
Station 11: A Healthy Person Is A Strong Person Mandatory Health Check
Station 11 Task: Ensure well-being of team members. Conditions: Given the provided area and standards, complete all checks in Station 11 before moving on to the next station. Standards: Each team member will be checked by a suitable evaluator to ensure individual safety and capability to complete the course. Mandatory 5:00 stop Penalty- 15:00 penalty will be assessed to team for refusal to be checked. Sign name, fill out questionnaire. Water, Gatorade & endurance gels will be available.
Station Twelve: I’m On A Boat Canoe Relay
Station 12 Task: Execute the exercise (canoe relay) to standard. Conditions: Given the provided area and standards, complete all exercises in Station 14 before moving on to the next station. Standards: Each team will paddle a designated distance in a canoe. Teams will canoe 50 m (Pro/JR). Penalty- 5:00 penalty to team who fail/refuse to complete obstacle. 4 th member: 4 th team member will conduct overhead arm & flutter kicks until the return of their team.
Exercise Standards Three members will put on a life vest, enter the boat paddling at one team members cadence. The team will circle a bowie and return to shore. Once the team has returned they will turn the boat around placing both the paddles and life vests back in the boat.
Station Thirteen: I Saw This On TV Once HMMWV Push
Station 13 Task: Execute the exercise (HMMWV push) to standard. Conditions: Given the provided area and standards, complete all exercises in Station 13 before moving on to the next station. Standards: Each team will Push a HMMWV a designated distance. Pro Teams will Push a HMMWV 25 m. JR teams will Push a HMMWV 20 m. Penalty- 1:00 penalty for each member if team fails to complete exercise.
Exercise Standards All team members will get behind a HMMWV and push it across the finish line.
Station Fourteen: Can You Figure It Out Commanders Challenge
Station 14 Task: Execute the Commanders Challenge in the quickest and most efficient way possible. Condition: Given provided space and materials, complete challenge before continuing on to the Finish Line. Standards:
Iron Knight Route 5.5 Miles