2010 Cengage-Wadsworth Cardiorespiratory Endurance Chapter 6
2010 Cengage-Wadsworth Basic Cardiorespiratory Physiology: A Quick Survey Pulmonary, cardiovascular, & muscular systems ATP Oxygen uptake (VO 2 ) Aerobic & anaerobic exercise
2010 Cengage-Wadsworth Benefits of Aerobic Training Higher maximal oxygen uptake (VO 2max ) Increased O-carrying capacity of blood Decrease in resting heart rate Lower a given workload Increased number/size of mitochondria
2010 Cengage-Wadsworth Benefits of Aerobic Training Increase in number of functional capillaries Ability to recover rapidly Lower BP & blood lipids Increase in fat-burning enzymes
2010 Cengage-Wadsworth Physical Fitness Assessment Purposes Responders vs. nonresponders
2010 Cengage-Wadsworth Assessment of Cardiorespiratory Endurance Components of oxygen uptake Heart rate Stroke volume Amount of oxygen removed from blood
2010 Cengage-Wadsworth Tests to Estimate VO 2max 1.5-Mile Run Test 1.0-Mile Walk Test Step Test Astrand-Rhyming Test 12-Minute Swim Test
2010 Cengage-Wadsworth Tests to Estimate VO 2max Interpreting the results of your maximal oxygen uptake Predicting oxygen uptake & caloric expenditure from walking & jogging
2010 Cengage-Wadsworth Principles of Cardiorespiratory Exercise Prescription Readiness for exercise Lab 6C
2010 Cengage-Wadsworth Guidelines for Cardiorespiratory Exercise Prescription Intensity of exercise Moderate- vs. vigorous-intensity exercise Monitoring exercise heart rate Rate of perceived exertion
2010 Cengage-Wadsworth Guidelines for Cardiorespiratory Exercise Prescription Mode of exercise Duration of exercise Frequency of exercise
2010 Cengage-Wadsworth Fitness Benefits of Aerobic Activities Table 6.10 Metabolic equivalents (METs)
2010 Cengage-Wadsworth Getting Started & Adhering to a Lifetime Exercise Program Tips to enhance exercise compliance A lifetime commitment to fitness