Class Rules/Routines Class rules/Right Respecting Schools Class Charter. Toilet Routines. Children learning environment. P.E twice a week from September Football Specialist.
Homework Bag. Homework Diary Music with specialist teacher Mrs White Weekly. Buddy System
P1 Language
Phonics and Spelling Jolly Phonics Series. Interactive games. Active activities to supplement. Phonics homework –3 sounds a week. Reinforce sounds in Homework. –Alphabet Sound Big Book. –Letter formation booklet – 1 page a night
Writing Mark Making – writing station Have-a-go news - (encourage phonetic awareness/writing) Common Words – In Class during phonics lesson. Marleen Hunter - Writing lesson fortnightly
Reading Reading in class: Storyworlds 1 session per week. Reading Homework: nightly recommended Story Sacks (Changed weekly) Shared text– 1 session per week Ben Bear Tools Class Novel Study - Farmer Duck
Numbers to 10 –Stories, songs and rhymes –Recognising and ordering –Counting objects –Number formation
–Odd/even numbers –Bigger/smaller numbers, more/less/between, 1/2 more/less –Interactive resources –Homework – Number formation booklet – 1 page per night
Addition and Subtraction Number stories – quick recall of bonds to 10, addition to 10 including money Number stories to 10 – dice sums, cubes, beads, matching sum and answers Counting on and back from a given number – number lines.
Mental strategies Linking addition and subtraction e.g. 2+4=6, 6-4=2 Missing number sums e.g. 3 + __ = 5 Homework – addition and subtraction booklets
Fractions and Time Halves – practical activities; shapes and quantities. O’clock – analogue and digital. Days of week and months of year.
Shape and Information handling Simple symmetry Interpreting and creating simple pictograms and block graphs 2D and 3D shape – naming simple shapes and objects
Topics All about Me Seasons Joining The Learning - Fairyland
Other Areas of the Curriculum RME - looking at Christianity Science HWB Introducing French into the classroom. Global Wonders.
Sexual Health Sexual Health and Relationships programme. All about me –likes and dislikes, friendship Parts of the body -Encourages correct vocabulary for body parts.
Other Parents night. Family open day visits. Christmas Show p1/2 Volunteers for prop making
Any questions regarding the curriculum?