Alexandra School Year 3
What will it be like in Y3? We are ambitious for these children: The curriculum that will drive their learning The standards they will attain The progress they will make We are ambitious for their characters too: Imaginative Resourceful Self-confident Compassionate Civlised Personal development is as important as academic curriculum Plan to nurture both attainment and character.
What the children want to know! Where will the classrooms be? Who will be teaching us? Will we have a different uniform? Will we have our own desks? With drawers? Can we bring pencil cases in? Will we get more homework? What will the classes be called? Will we be learning to play an instrument? Will we be in different houses? Will we learn a foreign language?
Why Spanish? 9 good reasons to start with: The best foreign language to learn is the one you'll be most successful with. Motivation is one of the most important factors in learning. The most important languages for business are Chinese, Arabic and Spanish. Chinese and Arabic languages require another alphabet, as does Russian. Romance languages like French and Spanish use familiar words and sentence structure. 70% of British families who take foreign holidays have visited Spain. 25% of these only holiday in Spain when abroad. Spanish is in the top ten most useful languages to learn, and the second most spoken in the world, after Mandarin Chinese, with 406m native speakers, 40m more than native English speakers. It is also the second most spoken in the USA. Learning Spanish gives a head start in learning French, Italian and Portuguese. Written Spanish is almost completely phonetic, making pronunciation much easier. It is the only MfL taught at all our local secondary schools.
Home learning policy. We believe children benefit most when our teaching team and families work in partnership, encouraging children to make the most of learning opportunities both at home and at school. Play and ‘free time’ are also crucial to a child’s growth and development. While home learning is important, it should not prevent children from having self-directed time to initiate their own play or activities.
The aims and objectives of home learning at Alexandra are to: consolidate, reinforce and embed school learning and allow children to practise skills taught in lessons; for instance the Good Times Challenge will help pupils to become fluent mathematicians. enable pupils to make maximum progress in their academic achievement, developing good work habits for the future; help pupils develop the skills of independent learners; promote a partnership between home and school in supporting each child’s learning; encourage children to develop their curiosity and an enquiring mind.
We have decided that The children will be embedding learning that has already taken place at school. There are no surprises. It will be regular and on clearly set days – across the school home learning will be set on a Friday and collected on a Wednesday. The expectation of the home learning is reasonable and short – appropriate for the Year group and taking into account individual needs.
Whole school policy
Half termly and termly projects
How can you help? Make sure your child completes their home learning and returns it on time. Help with the Good Times Challenge, reading and spelling practise. Ensure they have a quiet and calm working space. Talk to them about the work they are doing and their learning at school. Visit the library regularly – and share page time as well as screen time every day.
We will expect our year 3 pupils to Arrive at school promptly and be in their classroom by 9.00am. Always try their best. Follow our school rules by being kind, considerate and respectful. Complete their home learning and hand it in on Wednesdays. Read regularly to an adult at home and complete their reading journal, practise for their good times challenge, and practise spellings. Look after their own things. Wear the correct uniform, and appropriate footwear- so that they can run our daily mile. Trainers are acceptable providing they are completely black. Make sure they have always have their PE kit in school.
We will make sure they love coming to school have fab learning opportunities both in and out of school make good progress in their learning grow up as positive and reliable citizens. feel as proud of themselves as we do!