Giant Pandas By: Nathan Date: Oct.2,2009
Introduction Most people think giant pandas are cute and cuddly but there's more to them then their looks. Did you know that they only live in China when their wild? Giant pandas are pretty rare and here are some facts about how people are trying to save them and how cool they are.
Giant Panda Adaptations The Giant Panda has quite a few adaptations. First, their teeth are huge! Having big teeth is a good adaptation because bamboo is very tough and large teeth helps them eat it. Their size is helpful to them because not many animals would want to stand up to a full grown giant panda! Pandas have bones in their paws that work as thumbs and if they didn't have them, pandas would have quite a hard time picking up bamboo. Their strong jaw muscles help them crush bamboo and eat the soft pith inside.
How Pandas Survive Pandas have many ways to survive. They can camouflage pretty darn well in bamboo. Pandas have good colors for that. Their warm fur helps them live in their native mountain habitat which is very cold.
The Panda Food Chain The food chain of the Giant Panda is: Panda eats bamboo, and bamboo eats water or Chinese leopard eats baby panda.
Why the Panda is endangered The Panda is an endangered animal. People have been cutting down bamboo and with the bamboo dying, the low panda birthrate, and poaching the panda has quite a few problems. content/uploads/2009/01/panda.jpg
How we can save Giant Pandas Giant pandas need our help and we are going to great measures to save them. We are setting aside giant panda reserves and are putting radio collars on pandas to keep track of them. I think we are on the right track to save them, don't you? GiantPanda.jpg
Conclusion Pandas are a rare species. We need to take care of them. Their mountain habitat is dwindling. HELP SAVE THE GIANT PANDA!!!!