Origin/Founder Canaan (Palestine) is the ancient home of the Hebrews or Jews The history of the religion is recorded in the Torah, their holy book (about 2000 B.C.E) Abraham is known as the “father” of the Hebrew people Important figures in the faith: Abraham, Moses, David & Solomon
Basic Beliefs Monotheistic- believe in one God, Yahweh Covenants – promises between Yahweh and Abraham & Moses Goal – to worship Yahweh & to live a moral life according to the laws of the Torah
Holy Texts Torah is the first five books of the Christian Bible Ten Commandments offer guidelines for how to live – Ex: Thou shalt not kill
Major God(s) Yahweh = Monotheistic Yahweh was not a physical being and there were not supposed to be physical images made of him
Important Traditions/Customs Synagogue- Jewish house of worship Rabbi – religious teacher Yom Kippur – religious holiday Dietary Restrictions- Jewish laws establish what is kosher, or acceptable – Can not eat things seen as “unclean” like pig
Where is this religion today? After the Exodus, when Moses fled Egypt the Kingdom of Israel was established King David, around 1000 B.C.E. set up the capital city Jerusalem His son, King Solomon, built a temple in Jerusalem to hold the Ark of the Covenant, which is sacred to all Jews Hebrew population was often dominated by other groups but the religion is predominately found the U.S. and in modern day Israel.
the-jews-1 History of Judaism Skip 9:45-11:45 Stop at 13:05 Ark of the convenant