13 th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Doha, April 2015 What data and research for better crime prevention? Enrico Bisogno Research and Trend Analysis Branch
Some reflections on crime prevention Elements of a comprehensive data system on crime prevention Support from UNODC Main points
‘Strategies and measures reducing the risk of crimes occurring by intervening to influence their multiple causes’ 1.Social crime prevention: promote well-being of people 2.Locally/community based crime prevention: change conditions in neighbourhoods that can reduce crime 3.Situational crime prevention: reduce opportunities for crime 4.Prevent recidivism: reintegration programmes Crime prevention
Evidence-based knowledge can be a formidable tool in the crime prevention policy-making, from three angles: 1.to know crime better 2.to know better what causes crime 3.to evaluate prevention policies Research and crime prevention
Percentage change in victimization and police-recorded crime rates for burglary in selected countries, Source: United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (UNODC) Note: Victimization data refer to the number of victims per 100,000 population (prevalence), with the exception of the United States of America, where they refer to the number of crimes (incidence). The data for Mexico refer to the period To better know crime: first, more accurate data
To better know crime: second, more disaggregated data Homicide monitoring sheds light on different drivers of violence Comprehensive understanding of homicide requires disaggregated data
To better know crime: third, more comparable data Percentage distribution of crime recorded by the police by type of crime, 6 countries
To better understand crime: putting crime in relation with its many drivers For example, putting homicide in relation with firearms ownership. Extremely important. Though still very challenging as few data exist on firearm ownership or access Firearm and non-firearm homicide rate, and percent of households owning a gun, , USA
To assess crime prevention policies: putting in relation crime, its many drivers and public interventions For example, putting homicide in relation with alcohol-control policies. Research found that homicide was related with regulation of alcohol selling: more rigid policies, less homicides
Step by step Assessment of policies Analysis of drivers Data ( accurate, disaggregated, comparable ) Crime prevention, by its nature, must a be a long-term and comprehensive undertaking Gradual process to build an evidence-based dashboard, with three layers.
UNODC contribution Development of methodological standards Support countries in improving data Global and regional analytical reports
Better data, deeper analysis, improved policies, less crime Thank you