W ELCOME TO AVID 9 Proven Achievement. Lifelong Learning.
W HAT IS AVID? AVID is not just another program … at its heart, AVID is a philosophy Hold students accountable to the highest standards, provide academic and social support, and they will rise to the challenge. AVID: Teaches skills and behaviors for academic success Provides intensive support with tutorials and strong student/teacher relationships Creates a positive peer group for students Develops a sense of hope for personal achievement gained through hard work and determination
W HAT DOES AVID MEAN ? Advancement Via Individual Determination
AVID IS A PRIVILEGE. You have been selected to be part of a the AVID family at Mather. You are committing to 4 years of high expectations and hard work. You can do it!
S HARE WITH AN ELBOW PARTNER : “What does AVID mean to you?” “What are your expectations for the class?” “Why do you want to be a part of AVID?”
W HAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO ? Write one interest on an index card. Keep it general and worded in a way others might also write. Example: swimming, soccer, shopping, reading, etc. Non-Example: I like playing fetch with my dog, Rex. Put it in the box.
S TUDENT I NFO C ARD FRONT: Student Name Student Cell Phone Student Parent/Guardian Name(s) Parent/Guardian Phone Numbers Parent/Guardian s BACK: Would you be interested and available to chaperone field trips? Is there anything I should know that will help me communicate with you?
H OMEWORK : Introduce yourself to each of your teachers. Shake hands. Smile. “Hi, I’m (name), and I’m an AVID student. If possible, I would like to sit in the front of your class.”
M S. V AN K ERSEN ’ S S CHEDULE 1 st – ESL 4 – Room nd – ESL 4 – Room rd – Prep 4 th – TCT Meetings/ Lunch 5 th – AVID – Room th – AVID – Room th – AVID – Room th – Prep I’m available for tutoring M, W, F after school by appointment
B EHAVIOR E XPECTATIONS : 1. Be respectful 2. Be responsible 3. Be prepared 4. Be considerate 5. Be an active participant
W HERE DO I SIT ? For now you can sit where you want. I may assign seats or change seats periodically.
R ESTROOMS If you need to use the restroom must use a pass. You will one per month. 10/10 Rule – You may not go in the first or last 10 minutes of class. You must take my blue pass. Only one person may go at a time.
W HAT M ATERIALS D O I NEED FOR THIS C LASS ? Keep all graded work and notes until the end of the semester I will check every two weeks to see that you have everything in a folder and notebook or binder a notebook and folder or binder and lined paper Pens or pencils and highlighters
W HERE DO I TURN IN / PICK UP ASSIGNMENTS ? INBOX- turn all assignments in to the appropriate shelf labeled with your class GRADED WORK FOLDER- collect all graded assignments in the appropriate shelf labeled with your class and block If you turned something in, but did not receive it back graded, check the “NO NAME” folder to see if your work is there.
T ARDY P OLICY Tardy = anytime both feet are not inside the classroom at the beginning, during, or after the bell. Being tardy to class may result in your name being taken off the eligibility list.
A BSENTEEISM AND L ATE W ORK P OLICY For each day you are absent, you get one day to make up the work before it is considered, “late”. “Late” work will be given a max score of 70%. REMEMBER: This is a “real world” setting and that means that it is YOUR responsibility to collect any missing notes/assignments/tests to make up for this class from the, “What Did I Miss?” folder.
P ASSES You will get passes once a month. You can use the pass for one of three things: Bathroom pass or Homework pass or Extra 5 points on an assignment
M ATHER HS G RADING S CALE A = 90% - 100% B = 80%-89% C = 70%-79% D = 60%-69% F = 59% and below
C ELL P HONES 1.) You must keep your cell phone to your pocket or backpack during class 2.)You must have your cell phone turned on “silent” or OFF and put away by the time the bell rings to start class 3.) If you use your phone without permission, it will go to “Prison Cell,” in my desk drawer, until the end of class
M AY I E AT IN M S. K IRKLIN ’ S C LASSROOM ? NO! If you have an exceptional need, ask permission. Water is ok as long as it is in a container with a lid and does not conflict with school policy.
E XTRA C REDIT Earning extra points passes during class. (Monthly) Reading books or stories from the text, library or classroom library and completing a Y-Guide and Reflective Summary. (Quarterly) Bringing in an article on a current event and presenting to the class/group. (Monthly)
“I’ M F INISHED ! W HAT D O I D O N OW ?” When you complete your assignments, you are expected to do one or more of the following: -vocab or grammar activity -read a book -assist Ms. VanKersen if needed -do homework for this class or for another class -study for a test/quiz -complete missing/make-up assignments
Y OUR 4 “E ND OF THE C LASS ” R ESPONSIBILITIES. 1.) Clean Up – Supplies, books, etc. 2.) Pack Up – your stuff. 3.) Pick Up – anything on the floor. 4.) Line up – the desks and push in your chair. 5.) Clean the Desks – Make sure there are no markings.
H OMEWORK Write a 5 sentence summary of your notes on Classroom Expectations Example: Ms. VanKersen is a fair teacher. She is organized and expects us to be organized. She expects us to work together. She wants us to pay attention and be respectful. She is available for help after school. Finish the questions on Ms. VanKersen’s Policies and Procedures