Welcome to Chemistry 101 Lecture
About Your Instructor Name: Qiquan (Joshua) Wang Phone: (lab), (office) Office: SC 246 Res. Lab: SC 250 Office Hours: M 10:00-11:50AM, W 10:00-11:50AM, & by appointments
RequiredTextbook (Required) For lecture: Choice (1) 3 rd Ed Choice (1): Textbook Tro, Chemistry, a Molecular Approach, (DSU Edition, 3 rd Ed.), Pearson Education, (ISBN ) bundled with MasteringChemistry Access Code. e-textbook Choice (2): Students can also buy MasteringChemistry access code stand alone and view e-textbook once you register online. For lab For lab: A lab manual is required. Please ask your lab instructor. About This Course
separatelyThis course includes 3-credit lecture and 1-credit lab, registered separately. Lab is at SC 255. Homework: MasteringChemistryHomework: Online homework in MasteringChemistry will be assigned after each class meet. It is students’ responsibility to pay attention to the deadline of each assignment of homework and finish homework on time. No extensions will be given unless a legitimate note is presented to the instructor. Students should not send extension requests to the instructor through s.. About This Course
Tests/final exam Five (tentatively) tests and one final exam will be assigned. Tests will be in paper at class time and/or online in MasteringChemistry. Final exam Final exam will also be given in class using ACS standardized test. About This Course
EvaluationEvaluation PointsGradeGPA A B C D1.0 <60F0.0
About This Course EvaluationEvaluation Attendance & performance Online homework Tests Final exam 10% 30% (Must submit on time) 30%
About This Course RequirementsRequirements Attendance 1. Attendance for tests/exams is mandatory. 2. Students must have legitimate excuse(s) to the instructor to take a make-up test/exam. The acceptable excuses include university business (official document needed), medical emergency (regular medical appointment is not considered as medical emergency), and other physical emergencies (relevant official certificate is required). Online homework 3. Online homework in MasteringChemistry will be assigned after each class meet. It is students’ responsibility to pay attention to the deadline of each assignment of homework and finish homework on time. No extensions will be given unless a legitimate note is presented to the instructor. Students should not send extension requests to the instructor through s.
About This Course RequirementsRequirements 4. Attending each lecture on time is expected. Coming late or leave early may be recorded and will affect attendance and performance points. Cheating 5. Cheating in any format in any tests/exams may directly result in 0 of the test/exam and may be reported to the Department Chairperson of Chemistry for disciplines. Silencing cell phone 6. Silencing cell phone during the class time is required. Each time of violation is taken as serious disturbance of class and will receive an oral warning. The violation may cause 5 points decrease in the final grade. Repeated violators may be asked to leave class immediately.
About This Course RequirementsRequirements Disturbing 7. Disturbing others by talking, joking with each other in any manner, making noises, or eating smelly food during the class time will be required to leave the classroom. Campus security will be called to come if the student rejects to leave. tests/examsrules 8. Students coming for tests/exams are required to follow rules set by the instructor for the class. These rules include, (i) No cheating can be tolerated; (ii) Each student needs to bring a calculator for a test/exam. (iii) No cell phones can be used as calculators; (iv) Using cell phones in any means during tests/exams will be taken as cheating; (v) Using restroom during tests/exams is not allowed until test sheets are submitted; (vi) Students have to sit in assigned seats if assignment is needed (necessity is determined by the instructor).
About This Course RequirementsRequirements 9. Students in this class are expected to show respectful attitude. Anyone showing disrespectful attitude in this class will be asked to leave. Campus security will be called to come if the student rejects to leave. 10. Students with learning disabilities and needing special accommodation, please directly contact DSU Office of Accessibility Service ( student-accessibility-services). student-accessibility-services
About This Course Realizing the factRealizing the fact 1. Summer class is very intensive. You have to put all your time to study. 2. Lots of homework will be assigned. NEVER let your homework pile up. Always finish it on time. 3. Come to class and review at home. NEVER let your questions pull your legs to move. ASK your questions. 30% 4. Your final exam (ACS standardized test) occupy 30%. Please study well and prepare for your ACS exam. 5. Chem 101 is the foundation for Chem 102. We have to cover chapter 1-10 within given time range.
About This Course 6. Use group study / tutoring in a right way. Group study Copying results. Tutoring somebody else does the homework for you. Realizing the factRealizing the fact
About This Course PP Slides and course informationPP Slides and course information You may find the most recent 1~2 weeks PP slides in the following web site:desu-chem.yolasite.com It is your responsibility to check and download slides in time if you feel you need.
Sign and submit Please hand in your signed piece located at the bottom of the last page in your syllabus. This will be used to check your attendance today.