Course Expectations Values 1 Mr. Jimmy
Introduction Rules and procedures are fundamental in life (daily) There are also rules and procedures in this classroom. To ensure positive atmosphere and contribute to a controlled and learning environment for everyone.
Student Behaviors expectations: Be prompt Be ready to learn when class begins. Be prepared Have materials with you and know due dates. Be a polite and positive participant Speak in a normal tone of voice, and listen attentively. Be productive Turn in work on time, and always do your best. Be a problem solver Correct problems quickly and peacefully before they escalate.
Entering the class… Don’t wait around the hallway, instead enter the classroom quietly. Sit on your assigned seat and wait for further instructions or do your work quietly if there’s any as long as the class doesn’t start yet.
If late… Hand-in your blues slip or excuse slip from your previous subject teacher. Walk in quietly to your assigned seat. Join the activity if it’s in progress or listen to the discussion. (Feel free to ask me if you don’t understand what the class is doing) Minus 3 points/ day (out of 5 points) 3 tardiness is equal to 1 day absent (minus 5 points)
If you are absent Minus 5 points/day. It’s your responsibility to make-up any missed assignments, class work, or tests. Ask your classmates, website or teacher Make-up tests can only be done during lunch break or after school but you should inform your teacher ahead of time.
Turning in assignments, class work, homework, projects Take note of the due date Do what is expected or complete the work Minus 1 point/day if you don’t submit on due date. All assignments are posted on the bulletin board and on the class Web site. Always produce you best work. Think and concentrate.
Academic expectations: Written work must be neat & tidy with the date & title. Handwriting is to be as neat as possible, in blue or black ink & answers should be in complete sentences. Spelling corrections should be done using a dictionary
Show Respect Behavior in class should always be good & follow school expectations. Value yourself. Be honest and ethical, and practice strong moral values. Treat all members of the school community and all visitors with politeness and respect. Honor the ideas and opinions of others. Offer to help. Be responsible with property and belongings.
Responsibility for Coursework Bring notebook, textbook, planner, and appropriate writing tools to class. Know due dates, and submit all coursework on time. All assignments are posted on the bulletin board and on the class Web site. Absences. Ask a classmate for any assignments.
Food and drink Food, candies (gum) and beverages are not allowed in the classroom except bottled water. Always get a drink before coming in. I encourage you to follow the schedule on breakfast and lunch.
Having visitor in class (informed or not) You are expected to follow the same classroom rules and procedures. Be polite and respectful Do not talk to the visitor unless he/she is talking to you directly Continue do your task if you are doing an activity and your attention to your teacher if we’re having our lecture.
Getting attention Raise your hand and wait until you are acknowledge and say appropriately whatever your concern is all about.
Electronic devices… Your family members & friends are aware that you’re in class studying. Which means that: There will be no phone calls, messaging, or chatting in class during the entire period! This is a cell phone, computer, and tablet free zone classroom unless your teacher gives you the permission to use them. Penalty: Your electronic device(s) will be confiscated and sent to the Student’s Administration office and you can claim it back after 2:15 P.M. or the following day after school.
Finish early If you’re done with your assigned task, you may have a restroom break, get a drink, read quietly, do an assignment for another class, write, draw but please don’t talk or disturb others. Respect other people’s right to learn and excel!
Restroom??? Please always use the restroom before each period starts except for emergency cases only. Every excuse is monitored so not to abuse this privilege.
Class dismissal If class session is done and the students’ behavior is satisfactory to the teacher, we will end our class 5 minutes before the bell. However, make sure that all desks are in placed and no trash on the floor.
Attention No ID No Entry No Tuition No Exam No Exam No Grade No Grade No Graduation No Graduation No job No job No future
Thank you for your kind attention and acknowledgement of these expectations. Mr. Jimmy
My Pledge to Students I will trust you until you give me reason to do otherwise. I will respect you and work with you to solve problems. I will promptly correct and offer feedback on your work. I will work with you to meet learning goals. I will offer extra help and alternative assessments should you require them.
My contact info. Mobile: